Learning to Love

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Hi just a quick note before the chapter. I would like to dedicate this chapter to MCRLife1533 for be such an awesome person and voting on every chapter. Thank you so much!!!

"Gus can you please give me and Shawn 5 minutes, please just 5 minutes" you glared at Gus because since Yang had struck again he wouldn't leave yours or Shawn's side.
"Well I'm sorry that there's a psycho serial killer that probably has it out for you and Shawn since she's basically in love with him." You laughed at that but Shawn didn't look to pleased "she's not in love with me, she's just... obsessed I guess"
Gus started pacing the psych office and making sure all the windows and doors were locked "I will be in the next room, but if anything happens yell for me, okay?" You walked over and gave Gus a hug promising you'd be fine.
Now it was just you and Shawn in the room, and he started to talk "Y/N, I don't want you anywhere around this, I think you should leave, go on a vacation or something. I can't see you get hurt like what happened to..."
You were confused, he never talked about this case with you "happened to who?" He sighed but looked up at you "I was dating this girl Abigail last year when Yin struck, he kidnapped and almost killed her, which is why I think you should-"
you cut him off before he could say anything else "I'm not leaving, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind. I know you don't want me to get hurt but I can take care of myself." You started standing up and Shawn grabbed your hand "where are you going?" You sighed knowing he wouldn't like it.
"I'm going to have dinner with Juliet, just because there's a killer out there doesn't mean our lives stop." He stood up with you "no, it's to dangerous, you could get-" you again cut him off "I'm going, and I'll be fine, don't worry"
You left with both Shawn and Gus trying to convince you not to. Getting in your car you started to start it, but before you could something was jabbed into your neck and everything went black.
You woke up strapped to a chair with a pounding headache. "Oooo you're awake" she cooed, she started walking over to you with way looked like a .34 in her hand. "So, you're the one my Shawn is so infatuated by. He is such a special one isn't he? But I don't think you're right for him, and I know what's best for him."
"Yeah right you bitch, you need to stop stalking him, he'll never be interested in you, you're crazy." You spat out, she started to look angrier, and before you could say anything else she punched you and everything went black again.
Shawn's POV:
"What do you mean she's not with you?" He asked Juliet. Y/N had been missing for about 4 hours and never showed up to eat dinner with Jules. He was starting to get worried that something had happened to you and that it had to do with Yang.
"Well just let me know if you find out anything" he hung up the phone and ran a hand through his hair. He was stressing out because he didn't know where you were or what happened to you. Gus's phone started ringing "Shawn, you should see this" he ran over to him and grabbed his phone. The caller ID said Yang.
He pressed answer quicker than he ever had in his life. "Yang, where the hell is she?" He heard your voice "Shawn, be careful the waters you tread in 1 hour, I will be dead. Find the find the bay, or it will be your dismay. Shawn please help-" the line went dead before you could finish.
"She's near water, Gus, we have to find her and we only have an hour."
Y/N's POV:
Yang hung up the phone and slapped you "I told you not to say anything except the clue." You were already covered in bumps, bruises, and scratches. Maybe Shawn would never find you and you'd just die here alone never telling Shawn how you truly felt.
"If you're going to kill me, just do it already, get it over with please" Yang laughed, a dry creepy laugh that you felt throughout your whole body. "Now what fun would that be, this is a story and we haven't reached the ending yet."
Shawn's POV:
He had tracked you down to a small cabin on the bay by the water. SWAT was there along with Lassie and Jules, they broke the door down and there you were in the middle of the room tied to a chair your head hanging down.
"Y/N!"he ran over to you as they grabbed Yang and untied you "Shawn? You came.."
Y/N's POV:
You woke up to the sound of beeping and something in your hand. You opened your eyes looked over and saw Shawn asleep with his hand and yours. You leaned over and kissed his forehead. "I love you so much Shawn" he woke up and smiled.
"I love you too"

(I got this from writing-of-an-angel on tumblr.All credit goes to them.)

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