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When working in a police department, you'd think everyday would be plenty exciting. But not for Shawn Spencer. He would go through phases. One week it is hacking people, the next, giving people old donuts and making a pun. This week was pranks. Everyone had enough. Detective Lassiter especially. I Chief Vick hadn't been there, Lassiter would have slapped Shawn. Detective (y/L/n) had been amused by all the chaos going on in the office. On Monday, she was writing out some papers and forms the Chief Vick had asked her to complete when a huge spider crawled across her keyboard. "AAhhhhh!!" She screams, jumping up. Everyone looks at her. "Shawn!!!!!" She turns around to see Shawn and Gus running out the station doors. She runs after them and see the Blueberry drive out of the parking lot. She sighs angrily and goes back to her work.

"(Y/L/N), did you finish that report yet?" Chief Vick asks, coming over to your work station. "No, Shawn and Guster keep annoying me." You answer truthfully. Chief sighs, "Why don't you go home and try to work on it? Maybe take a nap." She says.

"Ok." you says, sighing and packing up your things. You grab all your papers and pick up your binder and the latch comes undone. All your perfectly filed papers spill out. You scream on the inside and scrape up all the papers and storm out. In the parking lot, you get in your car and drive home. You get home and a bucket of water fall on you. You are immediately drenched. You get new clothes on and walk out to see Shawn sipping a cup of tea.

"Shawn, I have every right to strangle the life out of you. You have 3 seconds to get out of my house." You say angrily. "Aww, come on (Y/N), it was just a prank." Shawn says. "Oh yeah, always an excuse. Get out." You say, grabbing his arm and forcefully shoving him out the door. He stumbles out the door.

"Ok, I'm sorry (Y/N), please. I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be so serious about it." Shawn says. You shake your head. "Never again. Go prank Lassiter." "Aww, he's boring!" Shawn says, sitting on the step of your house. "You at least react..."

"What do you mean react?" You say, sitting down beside him. "Lassy is so boring and doesn't react like you do. You jump, or scream or something." Shawn says. "Shawn?" you ask. "Yes?"

"Never talk to me again." You say, going into your house and locking the door. "Really? You're gonna do that?" Shawn asks, trying to look through the eye hole. You slide a note underneath the door. Shawn looks at it, reads it, and looks up. Gus pours a huge bucket of ice water and it comes down on Shawn in a tidal wave.

"Gus! You backstabbing traitor!!!!" Shawn yells up, shivering and wiping water off his face. "That's for making me prank everyone at the office." Gus yells down to Shawn. "Never prank a prankster, Shawn!" You yell.

"Curse you (Y/N)!!" Shawn says.

(I got this from patches2741 on devianart. All credit goes to them.)

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