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[A/N: TW: Rape/non-con

So sorry.. I feel terrible for writing this.. Poor bby]

The day had gone surprisingly well. He didn't get any more visits from that senior's slaves and the effects of the cannabis only started to wear off after he was dismissed for the day. While that might've been good at the time, it left him walking to a nearby coffee shop in a decent amount of pain. He was sure that one of his ribs was either broken or badly bruised.

The pain was worth it, for the delicious coffee scented air that filled his nostrils when he opened the door was just.. Euphoric. He bought a coffee and sat down at one of the oak tables.

An hour's worth of netflix and YouTube later as he was taking a sip of his coffee, Calvin's eyes wandered up to the counter only to lock with familiar green ones. Those same green eyes he had seen so many times, staring down at him as his slaves kicked and punched him.

Calvin quickly grabbed his bag and his coffee before leaving the cafe, trying desperately to hide his limp while getting the hell out of there. He managed to get about a block away from the shop before resting against the red bricks of a old building. He rolled up his pant leg, observing the purple and yellow bruise that had formed as a result of one of those guys trying to crush his ankle under the sole of their shoe.

Calvin sighed. It would be a few days before the bruise healed.




It was finally 8.

Well, it was almost 8:30 when he arrived at the address on the slip of paper that Pyro had given him. The house was lively. Bright lights of various colors flashed from the windows and multiple people were dancing on the lawn, some even spilling their solo cups of alcohol. Calvin was seriously questioning this. Something in his mind was telling him to just walk passed the house and just go home. So what if he couldn't stand the next day?

Of course, he denied his mind's request, blaming it on his awkwardness around other human beings.

He walked down the driveway, avoiding the intoxicated teenagers as they swayed in the yard. When he opened the door, he instantly regretted it.

There were people everywhere, a constant wave of motion and he was certain that none of them were sober. Before he could register, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him to where he assumed was the kitchen.

"This party's crazy man!" Pyro shouted over the music. Calvin rolled his eyes, he had obviously done some drugs.

"Yeah, a bit too crazy. I think I'm gonna go.."

"Wait! Here take this, it'll make you feel great." Pyro said as he thrust a plastic bag containing a single capsule.

"What is it?" Calvin asked, eyeing the assumed drug suspiciously.

"Just take it, you do drugs all the time."

"Yeah, but only weed.." Calvin looked away.

"Come on, you can do it!" Pyro cheered.

Calvin sighed before slowly opening the bag and taking out the capsule. This was not a good idea. This was a terrible idea.

He swallowed the pill.

Why the fuck had he done that?! Calvin instantly regretted it. He was around a multitude of people, probably including the group that always left him bruised and wishing that he could start the week over. And now, he was vulnerable. He had no idea what Pyro had given him and all he could do was wait for it to take effect.

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