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Calvin was upset for a while after Greg left.

It was strange considering how much he had despised Greg when they first met. If you could call it that at all. They never met properly, in fact, Calvin didn't even know Greg's name until some time after the party.

Niall and Calvin's relationship had developed quite a bit with Greg out of the picture, which the blonde appreciated immensely although it left Calvin a bit distant for a while as if a loved one had died.

He started opening up again about two weeks after, slowly returning to his normal self. As the time passed he was the old Calvin and Niall even managed to help him gain a few pounds. He still looked like a stick, but a slightly healthier stick.

Time had passed and Calvin was graduating. The young men were only as year apart and Niall decided that he would rather have a wonderful man with him than a stupid piece of fucking paper so he dropped out. Calvin was upset and a bit confused as to why Niall would sacrifice his diploma for him.

'Because I love you and I want to be with you.' He replied.

It was only on the night of Calvin's graduation that they finally went further than just kissing.

Calvin insisted that he was ready and Niall wasn't sure at first, but a few passionate kisses and a nearby bed changed his mind. Throughout the entire experience the blonde made sure he was okay each time they went a step further. Of course there were a few times when Calvin looked terrified, but he soon relaxed with a few well placed and comforting kisses from the man above him.

They ended up both getting jobs and sharing an apartment. Upon sleeping with Calvin every night, Niall discovered that every once and a while, the older man would tremble and let out small sounds. The blonde would try his best to comfort him through his nightmares by holding him close and surrounding him with warmth. Eventually, Calvin would calm down and lean into Niall's embrace.

He knew how damaged Calvin was with all of the things he has gone through in his life, but he was hoping he could put the broken man back together again.

He'd lift the haze of terrible memories from Calvin's mind and replace them with warm, loving ones instead.

[A/N: WHOEVER IS MY 70th FOLLOWER NEEDS TO UNFOLLOW. IT HAS TO STAY AT 69. Thanks for following btw.

Well there was the shitty epilogue.. At least I didn't kill Greg..

I'll be taking requests for stories after I finished Let Me In (Unless I already have a story idea).

Thanks for reading this shitty and unplanned story. ]

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