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[A/N: I might have to do a double upload today.

(Just kidding I'm too lazy for that shit.)]

"Cal, I found some vicodin!" Pyro shouted from his bedroom. He heard a celebratory 'YES' come from the living room and grabbed a pack of cigarettes.

Calvin was laying on his back, rigid. All morning his ribs had caused him too much pain to sit up, let alone get up and do anything else. Naturally, they had both not gone to school. Calvin didn't because of obvious reasons and Pyro because he flat out didn't want to - also because someone needed to look after Cal and he sure as hell wasn't going to let it be Greg.

It was petty, but that didn't matter. Calvin was his.

Not only had they been friends since Calvin started school here, but they had also kissed more than once.  Too many times for two straight guys. At least he thought Calvin was straight. As for himself, he really didn't know. He hadn't ever liked a guy before Calvin..

"I'm not sure if I should give you a full one or just half.. you're really light so probably half?" Pyro studied the bright orange bottle's label.

"Just give me a full one.. I'm dying.." The injured man groaned.

Pyro studied the man's worn out expression for a moment. He was hesitant since he knew that Calvin used to get high off of vicodin and other strong painkillers, but the man was clearly in pain and it was unlikely that he would get high off of just one.

"Here, you've got to sit up.." The younger man helped Calvin sit up, feeling a pang in his heart when he heard a small whimper come from him.  When he was in a sitting position, Pyro handed the older man the glass of water that he had left on the coffee table earlier that morning.

Calvin easily swallowed down the pill and handed the glass back to the younger man.

"So.. What did the guy who did this look like?"

"That was straight forward. He had dark hair.. He's pretty pale and had some facial hair. A bit on the heavier side too." Calvin told him.

That sounded like..

"Nick Cash.."

"You know him?" The older man raised an eyebrow.

"Not well. I've only talked to him once and that was because of Keem." Pyro was too busy pondering the situation to realize what he had said. However, he did notice the way Calvin's eyes widened and fear painted his face for half a second.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Pyro apologized for his insensitivity.

"It's fine, I need to get over it anyway." He murmured.

"Cal.. You were.. You were violated. It's not something you can just 'get over'." 

"I just need to get a hold of myself.."

"You-" Pyro's phone rang. He sighed and answered.

"What do you want, Greg?"

'Is Cal doing alright? I'm on my way there, so you know.'

"He's fine,"Okay maybe not fine. "Why are you coming over? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

'I was, but I left.'


'Are you really going to make me say it? I was worried, okay?'

"So the great Cuck King left class of his own accord.. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Is that Greg? Why did he call you?" Calvin chimed in.

Pyro lowered the phone from his ear and smirked. "He was worried. He's also on his way here."

Haze (A Leafycynical & Leafnision Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now