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[A/N: Here's your dosage, druggies.]

Pyro closed the door behind him and dropped his schoolbag onto the floor.

It had started raining on the walk home and had left his clothes damp and uncomfortable. His shirt was sticking to his skin and it was overall unpleasant. All he wanted to do was take a shower, put on some comfortable flannel pajama pants, and cuddle with the smaller man who he assumed was either in the living room on the couch or asleep in Pyro's bed.

"Cal, I'm back!" He said loud enough for the man to hear him. When he received no response, he ventured further into the house. Calvin wasn't in the living room and worry flooded the sophomore's chest when the older man wasn't in the bedroom either.

"Cal?" His voice echoed throughout the house. Had the older man just left?

Wait. Greg wasn't in second hour this morning or any of the hours after that. Did he really take Calvin? That fucking psychopath.

Pyro quickly took out his phone and called an uber. 




"Are you feeling any better?" Greg asked the man on the guest bed.

"..No.. It hurts.." Calvin's voice was quiet as took in shallow breaths as not to disturb the already searing pain around his rib cage. The painkillers had worn off and Greg refused to allow him to take more. 

"I'm sorry, but you can't abuse medication like that."

"Greg, please.." The younger man pleaded, his voice cracking as he spoke. The senior knelt down next to the bed and ran his fingers through medium length surprisingly soft hair.

"How did this happen to you?" He asked softly. Had Calvin triggered someone and caused his own injuries.

The younger man seemed puzzled by the random question. "I.. was about to go outside during lunch and that guy just fucking pulled me into one of the closets. He threw me at one of the shelves and kept saying what a pathetic piece of shit I am. Then he just.. left." He tried his best to ignore the amount of pain that talking caused him.

"So you didn't even know who he was? He just attacked you out of nowhere?" 

Calvin nodded.

Greg sighed. "I'll be back, hold on."

He returned a moment later with the small orange bottle in hand and Calvin felt relief rush over him.

"One, that's all you get." Greg helped the younger man sit up before twisting off the cap and giving one small white pill to him. Calvin, who was desperate to escape the pain in his chest and ribs, quickly swallowed the pill.

Greg closed the bottle and put it in his pocket. There was no way he was going to leave Cal with a mostly full bottle of painkillers.

The senior raised an eyebrow when the door bell rang.

And again.

And again.

He couldn't fucking stand when people fucking spammed the doorbell.

"Calm the fuck down!" He said as he ran down the hall to the door.

When he opened it, he immediately shut it upon seeing who was on the other side. Unfortunately, the man had wedged his foot in the doorway, keeping it from closing. Greg, realizing it was futile to try and keep the man out, opened the door.

"Where is he?"

"Laying down. Just leave him alone."

"Funny, I believe that's what I told you." Pyro said as he pushed past Greg and walked into the house. "I swear if you've hurt him I will kill you."

"Why would I hurt him? He's perfectly fine here."

"Yeah, perfectly fine with a psychopath."

"I'm not a psychopath."

"Pretty damn close. You fucking left class just to go to my house and take Cal back because of some sick crush you have on him."

"It's not a 'sick crush'. It's the same as your little crush, Niall." The man's name added a bite to the end of the sentence.

"I don't think it's considered a 'crush' if we've kissed. Whereas you actually abducted him because you like him, which is strange because if you think about it, all you've ever done is hurt him." 

Greg grabbed Pyro by the shirt. "I may have hurt him, but at least I don't enable him to get high every chance he gets. Did you know that while you were gone he got high off the painkillers you gave him? He could've fucking overdosed." He growled.

Pyro stood there, his shirt still caught in Greg's grasp. "Is he alright? Does he still have them?"

"Of course he doesn't have them anymore." His voice softened and his grip loosened before disappearing altogether.

"Listen.. Just let him stay here for a few days. I know that you care for him, I do too. I won't let anything happen to him, I promise. I'll let you know how he's doing and everything. I just.. If he doesn't want to go to the hospital then.. this is the best option. I'll take care of him." Greg's voice was soft and caring as he spoke.

Pyro didn't trust Greg. He hadn't trusted him since Calvin came outside at lunch decorated with dark bruises and a limp, but with the lack of resources at his place maybe Cal would be better off with the senior. He hated the idea of him being anywhere near his Calvin, but if it was the best option..

"Fine. Just for a few days."

Greg's lips spread into a small smile.

"He's in the first room on the right if you want to talk to him."

Pyro nodded and made his way down the hall to Calvin.

The older man was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling.

"How're you feeling?" The sophomore asked as he approached the bed.

"I've been better. Why am I staying with Greg?" Calvin turned his head to look at the younger man.

"I.. I think it's best for you to stay with him for a few days. You need to recover and my place isn't the best place for that. You also need to start eating again and he's got actual food instead of ramen. Cal, I just want you to get better, okay?"

Calvin nodded and took a deep breath, wincing when it was a bit more than he could handle. "I've got your number right?"

"Yeah, I think so. If not Greg can give it to you."

"Alright." Calvin really didn't want to stay with the cuck, but if Pyro thought it was best for him, he would.

Pyro connected their lips in a slow, soft kiss. The older man closed his eyes and shifted his lips against the sophomore's. He just couldn't get over how good kissing Pyro felt. He had been hiding his feelings with a thin veil of confusion and always told himself that he just got attached too easily. He didn't care if he got attached too easily. He felt something more than friendship for Pyro.

"No homo?" Calvin asked when they separated.

"All of the homo." Calvin smiled.

Haze (A Leafycynical & Leafnision Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now