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The next day, Calvin did his best to avoid both Greg and Pyro.

He felt bad for cutting them off, but all the concern was starting make him want to rip his hair out. He was so tired of Greg trying to make up for what he did to him and Pyro thinking that he wasn't taking care of himself.

Skipping a few meals didn't mean he wasn't taking care of himself. Not getting a full night of sleep was common amongst people his age. He didn't understand why Pyro was so worried about him.

Sure, the self harm thing he understood. Of course someone slicing up their skin was a bit alarming, but Calvin didn't see himself doing it again. He had even went as far as to put the box somewhere new. That didn't eliminate the chances that he would do it again, but it did buy him some time to get in his right mind before he made the first cut.

Calvin found himself deserting his spot on the side of the school and walking to where Pyro usually was.

He didn't want to confront him, but Calvin had smoked his last cigarette that morning and hadn't even noticed how empty the box was. So he could either wait another few agonizing hours until he could go out and use the little money he had to buy another pack or he could bum one off of the the sophomore and save himself some pain.

He opted for the latter and approached the younger man.

"Hey." Pyro greeted him, a bit confused to why Calvin would come to him.

"Hey.. I um.. I'm out of cigarettes. Could I get one from you?" They didn't smoke the same brand, but hey, a cigarette was a cigarette.

"Yeah, sure mate. Sit down." Calvin hesitated before sitting down against the wall.

"I'll let you have have two if you come over to my place tonight."

Calvin sighed and nodded, the promise of two cigarettes was just too appealing.

Pyro plucked two cancer sticks out of the package and placed them in Calvin's palm. The older man instantly lit one cigarette before inhaling the sweet toxins, his muscles instantly relaxing.

"You're turning into some kind of chain-smoker, aren't you?" Pyro said, grinning teasingly.

"Hah, says the druggie." Calvin laughed, smoke spilling from his lips along with his words.

"You're not exactly straight edge either."

"I guess not."

Calvin tilted his head up to look at the grey sky. Why is the sky always prettier when it's about to rain?




Calvin watched as Pyro slid the key into the lock before pushing open the white door.

The sophomore led him into his bedroom. The same bedroom they had began smoking cigarettes in. The same room Calvin had smoked his first joint in. The same room that he had first shot up heroin in.

He set his bag on the floor near the door before plopping down onto the edge of Pyro's bed.

"So, what would you like to do first?" Pyro asked as he set an medium sized box of various already rolled joints and pills separated by smaller containers and some other stuff that Calvin wasn't familiar with.

He did, however, notice a bottle of vodka.

He wasn't too big on drinking, especially after seeing how his father was influenced by it, but he had never really tried it and his curiosity was bound to get the best of him eventually.

Haze (A Leafycynical & Leafnision Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now