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[A/N: Sorry guys, this fanfic is being discontinued because I don't like Leafy anymore because Idubbbz and Nick Cash and Keemstar...


Pyro will be referred to as Niall now unless a character is talking to him. (Greg calls him Niall bc it pisses him off) That probably made no sense. Fuck.

ALSO YOU MIGHT'VE NOTICED THAT THIS STORY HAS A NEW COVER. Pretty awesome, right? It was made by Philion3  

Enjoy the chapter]

Calvin was leaving today.

He had just received a text from Niall that said he would be coming by Greg's place when he got off school to get Calvin.

Niall had stuck with their agreement for a full three days. The first passed quickly enough. The second was savory as he watched Calvin smoke habitually through out the remainder of the day. Now, on the third day, Greg just wanted to hold the man close and watch the show with the gay 'consulting detective'.

Somehow his mind had painted Niall as the bad guy for trying to steal the man away from him when in fact, it was himself who had stolen Calvin in the first place. As much as he disliked Niall for the drugs and all that, he could tell he genuinely cared about the man who was sitting in the corner on the couch with his knees drawn up to his chest, watching the television intently.

He had even managed to get Calvin to eat these past few days. Sure, the man had tried to trick Greg by pulling the crust off of his sandwich and hiding some of the food under other foods to make it look like he had eaten most of it. As long as Calvin ate at least a little, Greg was satisfied. Well, a little less than satisfied but still.

It's not like Niall would've made him eat. He'd probably just give him drugs.

Well probably not. He really needed more reasons to hate Niall.

"What the actual fuck?! It was that guy? Really?" Calvin shouted as a character in the show appeared. Greg assumed it was someone who they were trying to catch or something. He had been paying more attention to Calvin than the show.

"Greg, are you alright? You're staring at me."

Greg tore his eyes away from the beautiful young man. It was almost funny how he looked 13 or 14 when he was 17.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, are you sure you're actually 17?"

Calvin raised a brow. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't look 17." Greg loved the 'are you serious?' look that was spread over Calvin.

"Yeah and you don't look 18."

"How old do I look then?" Greg asked curiously.

"Like.. 25 or 30."

"Ouch. At least I don't look like I'm 13."

"Fuck you." Calvin said, but Greg could see a hint of the smile he was hiding.

"You're so cute." Greg hadn't meant to say it out loud.

Calvin's cheeks gained a bit of color at the statement, but other than that, he didn't address it.

All Greg wanted to do was pull the man close and keep him warm in the abnormally cold house.

"You're going to graduate soon.." Calvin said quietly.

Greg looked over at the smaller man. "Yeah.. Are you gonna miss me?" He teased.

"Of course not." The comment had left Calvin's cheeks slightly red.

"Right." Greg chuckled. He returned his eyes to the television, flicking his eyes over to Calvin every once in a while.

"What do you plan on doing after you graduate?" Calvin asked out of nowhere.

"Well.. probably get a decent job and save up for a house I've had my eye on for a while."

"In Seattle?"

"Um.. no, it's in King County.."


"You sure you won't miss me?" Greg tried to lighten the mood.

Calvin didn't have many reasons to miss Greg. He wasn't even sure there were any, but somehow he felt that not having the man in his life would leave a slight hole. Something missing from the daily life he had developed. He would probably miss the way he teased him and poked fun at his usual everyday habits.

"Maybe just a little." Calvin said quietly.

Greg looked over at the thin man. Calvin would miss him? He had been expecting a remark or a flat out 'no', but this..

The older man smiled.

"I thought you didn't like me."

"I don't really.."

Greg chuckled at that. "Then why would you miss me?"

"I'm not sure.. you've just been a part of my life ever since the party.. It would just feel weird without you around."

The man was tugging the blanket up to cover more of his body and Greg could see the goosebumps on his slightly pale skin that had gained some complexion in the past week.

"Are you cold?"

Calvin glanced over at him as he buried his hands underneath the fabric of the blanket.

"Um.. yeah."

Greg couldn't believe he was going to do this. Calvin could easily get weirded out. Well he would probably just shout 'no homo' at the top of his lungs.

"..Come here.."

Calvin raised an eyebrow before moving closer to Greg who easily pulled him into his lap before wrapping his arms around the smaller man's middle.

Greg was surprisingly warm for someone who looked like they would feel cold. Don't ask how people look like a certain temperature, he himself didn't even know. He unconsciously leaned back onto Greg's chest.

The older man smiled as the man reclined back onto him. It was adorable how someone he hated could become someone so precious to him. Even stranger how someone who had gone through something so traumatizing could lean against the man that had caused it all.

"Better now?"

"Yeah.. you're really warm." Calvin shifted a little and closed his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep, Niall will be here in a few hours." Greg informed him.

Nonetheless, Calvin ended up falling asleep with his head resting against the older man's chest.

Greg didn't bother waking him up, he was probably exhausted. Instead, he pulled him closer and placed a quick kiss of the top of the man's head.

He hoped that Niall would take longer than a few hours.

[A/N: Ayyyy sorry for the lack of updates. I've been drawing a lot lately.. I'm basically an art slave kms. I feel like one of those tumblr artists except I'm not any good. I even got a DeviantArt because all online artists have one of those, right? Meh.

But yeah, currently working on a grey scale piece of my girlfriend so updates might be slow for all of my stories..

And here's my snapchat because why not?


Now you guys can just bother the fuck out of me when I don't update. Yay.  ]

Haze (A Leafycynical & Leafnision Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now