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"Do you want to go out tonight?"

Calvin looked away from his phone screen and directed his gaze over at Niall. "What do you mean?"

The two were currently laying down on Niall's twin-sized bed which thanks to Calvin, wasn't as crowded as it would've felt if he wasn't so small. The older man's head was resting on Niall's shoulder as he scrolled through twitter.

"I don't know.. We could just hang out somewhere. There's the waterfront.. and Pike's Place.." Niall suggested.

"I don't have any money.."

"That's fine, It was my idea anyway so I'll pay if we need to."


"It's fine, I promise. And you can call me Niall.."

Calvin smirked from beside him. "I thought you hated your name."

"I do, but I'm sure I can hate it less if you say it." He replied causing Calvin to blush.




They ended up leaving Niall's place around 8 pm.

It was practically dark when they found themselves walking down the cement sidewalk of the Seattle waterfront.

"It's nice out tonight. The weather lady said it would rain." Calvin said as they neared the metal railing that separated them from the reflective water below. 

Niall had been studying Calvin's face all night, as creepy as it sounds. The way the moonlight illuminated his face was just.. he couldn't find a word to describe how beautiful Calvin looked. He didn't know what had gotten into him, but not seeing the man for 3 whole days had done a number on his mind.

"Well hopefully it won't. Do you want to walk around a bit?" The older man nodded and Niall gestured for them to walk further down the waterfront.

Niall desperately wanted to hold Calvin's hand. It was the perfect moment, not to mention that they were basically having a romantic night out on the town. Strangely enough, even though they had kissed multiple times (many of which neither of them had said 'no homo') it seemed like he was overstepping his boundaries by even thinking of holding this beautiful boy's hand.

It made absolutely no sense.

There were more people the further they ventured down the sidewalk. Some were with their children, some were with friends, some were with their significant other. One couple in particular caught Niall's eye. It was two boys, one with brown hair that almost touched his shoulders and the other with short dirty blonde hair. The blonde was currently planting a kiss on the back of the brunette's hand causing him to blush. The man reacted almost exactly how he imagined Calvin would react if he did something like that. It was almost uncanny.

He tore his eyes away as they neared the Great Wheel. "Wanna go on this?" He pointed to the large wheel that had a surprisingly short line. "It's only $15 each. Like I said, I'm paying."

Calvin looked away, almost embarrassed. "I'm not good with heights.."

Niall smiled and grabbed Calvin by the wrist, effectively pulling him into the line of people. "You'll be fine babe." The last part slipped so casually from his lips and he hoped that Calvin didn't hear it. Unfortunately, judging by the blush settling onto the man's cheeks, he had.

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, I don't mind." Calvin cut him off. He was only really blushing because he hadn't realized how nice it felt to be addressed that way by Niall. He'd established his feelings about 4 days ago but he still hadn't learned to deal with them. He wasn't a faggot, he just liked Niall. Girls were great too, or so he would tell himself.

Niall let a quiet sigh of relief leave him. He thought he had screwed up. Just before he could tear himself apart in his mind, they were showed into one of the compartments on the wheel. The both sat on opposite sides since Calvin was afraid it would fall if their combined weight was on just one side. 

"How can it fall if you hardly weigh a thing?"

"I don't know, it could still happen.."

"Are you sure it's not that you don't want to sit next to me?" Niall asked jokingly.

"Of course I want to sit next to you." Calvin said casually and to Niall, it looked like the man hadn't even realized the severity of what he had said.

"Then come here." Calvin glanced around the cart nervously as he heard the sounds of the machine beginning to start. "We'll be okay. You're far too thin to make an impact on whether we'll fall or not."

"Well I've gained a little weight.."

"Not enough to make a difference." Niall leaned forward and caught Calvin's wrist before pulling the man towards him, causing him to fall into the younger man's lap.

"We're going to fucking fall." Surprisingly, Calvin wasn't distraught from his current position and instead because of the sudden movement of the wheel.

"No we aren't." Calvin was clinging to Niall, not that he was complaining. He was practically straddling him after all, which he was sure was the closest to anything sexual he would get with Calvin. He didn't want to just have sex with the man, especially after what happened to him not too long ago, but it would be something to hear the man moan in pleasure.

He quickly shifted his thoughts before they escalated further.

"Hey Cal.."


This could fuck everything up, but Niall didn't care.

"Can I kiss you?" It was such a stupid thing to say. The only thing that could make it worse was if he said 'no homo' after it.

"Why would you even ask?" Calvin said before closing the small gap between them and connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Niall wasn't expecting this. He had expected Calvin to say 'no homo, right?' but instead the man was kissing him.

Niall moved his lips against Calvin's before snaking an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. He slipped his tongue past the older man's lips as he deepened the kiss.

He wanted more of Calvin, but he knew the man had his limits. It seemed that he was okay with kissing, but in reality, Niall wasn't even sure of his limits. Was he truly okay with this or was he just putting on a brave face for the younger man's sake? Niall was desperate to know.

[A/N: Sorry for the cut off ending of this chapter.. I just really want to draw and begin the next chapter of Let Me In.


(Don't act like you dislike depressing stuff we all know you're lying..)


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