11: Games Pt 2

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Third Person's POV
(This is a little dirty so if you don't like that stuff, please skip)

Cameron waited outside of Nash's office, making sure the coast was clear. He snuck into the room and climbed under Nash's desk.

Nash walked in moments later, tired. He set his papers down on the desk and sat in his chair, putting his heads into his hands. He was too tired to even notice Cameron.

Cameron heard heavy footsteps, and he knew that they belonged to the business man. He was here to discuss things about Nash's merch.

"Mr. Grier! What a pleasure to meet with you again!" the man, Mr. Wilkinson, said, shaking Nash's hand with a firm grip.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Wilkinson." Nash replied with a bright smile.

As he sat back down into his chair, his leg hit something, but he really didn't think anything of it.

Mr. Wilkinson opened his suitcase and pulled out several papers that had ideas for the merch's design.

They then began to go over their ideas for the cost of the shirts. Cameron decided that it was the best time to follow through with his plan.

He slowly crept his hand on the inside of Nash's leg, startling Nash. He quickly looked under the table. Cameron smiled devilishly at him.

"Nash?" Mr. Wilkinson asked.

Nash jerked his head up from under the desk, hitting his head in the process.

"Oh...um...I'm fine." Nash said. He could only imagine what Cameron was up to.

Mr. Wilkinson nodded and continued to show Nash the designs.

Cameron zipped Nash's fly down and proceeded to slowly rub Nash through his briefs. Nash now knew what Cameron was up to, and he wanted to kill him for it. Nash couldn't help but grow hard at Cameron's pleasurable rubbing.

Cameron pulled Nash's briefs down, revealing Nash's member. Cameron smirked at the sight of it. He knew Nash was secretly enjoying it.

Without warning, he licked the tip of Nash's member, causing Nash to shiver.

"Nash? Are you cold? Do you need someone to turn the air conditioning down?" Mr. Wilkinson asked Nash with a concerned look on his face.

"No, no. I'm good. Just...one of those random shivers, you know?" Nash replied, biting his lip in attempt to stop his moans.

Mr. Wilkinson nodded slowly.

Cameron contained his laughter as he continued to kitten lick Nash.

Nash's hold on his desk, slowly but surely, became harder. Mr. Wilkinson was completely oblivious as to what was going on under Nash's desk. His hold was so tight that his knuckles began to turn white.

Mr. Wilkinson looked away from Nash for a second to get another piece of paper. Cameron was bored or teasing Nash, so he took Nash's full length into his mouth.

The feeling of Cameron's hot, wet mouth around him made him want to scream from of pleasure.

He couldn't help but let out a low growl, which caused Mr. Wilkinson to look back at Nash. Nash quickly flashed a tight smile. Mr. Wilkinson gave him an unconvinced look and turned back to his case.

Cameron lightly stroked the part that couldn't fit into his mouth and started to suck slightly.

Nash's breath quickened. He bit his lip even harder, drawing blood.

While Mr. Wilkinson was explaining the last couple of things, Nash discreetly slid his hand under the desk and gripped Cameron's hair hard, forcing Cameron to take more of Nash's member into his mouth.

Nash felt that familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach.

His face slightly contorted as his heartbeat quickened. When Cameron lightly grazed his teeth on Nash's member, Nash couldn't hold it back.

"Uh, yes, shit." He quietly said under his breath as he came into Cameron's mouth.

Cameron swallowed it all and licked Nash clean before zipping him back up.

When the meeting was over, Mr. Wilkinson stood to shake Nash's hand. When Nash stood up, his legs wobbled and he caught himself on his desk. They shook hands and Mr. Wilkinson left, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Nash kept on a fake smile until the door closed.

He reached under the desk and yanked Cameron by the shirt.

"Ow!" he yelped, but smiled at the same time.

"What the hell was that?" he asked angrily. Cameron smirked at him and merely shrugged, turning to walk out of the office. He wore his skinniest jeans on purpose, knowing Nash loved them.

Nash stared at Cameron's ass as Cameron left, then began to decide what his revenge would be.

Cameron had no idea what was coming.

TWO LONG FREAK-FRACKIN MONTHS! I am dearly sorry. I am so lazy that I just wrote half of this chapter and left it alone for a month. Oops. Besides that.......3 THOUSANDS READS? 246 VOTES? HOW? I swear, you guys are the freaking best. This book sucks absolute ASS, but you guys still read it. Now this book is almost as 4 thousand reads. It's crazy to think that I started writing this book all the way back in late March 2016. And hey.......if this book gets to 400 votes....maybe I'll do a face reveal....you can barely see my profile picture, so why not? I love you guys, and know that I am always here. Peace out kids🐘 Until next year

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