Chapter 1 (Revised 2024)

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"Not all those who wander are lost."
― J.R.R. Tolkien,

Luna, princess of the moon, aged 19 and a sister to Princess Celestia already raised the moon and stayed up to guard kingdom while looking at her precious night with all the twinkling stars and a violet blackish background.

The moon shone brightly at her as if giving her a greeting 'oh how our people will be delighted when they see my night' she thought hopefully but it's impossible because people always stay and work at day and sleep at night, some would stay up and stargaze at her night sky which she is thankful of, but the truth is she's a bit jealous from her sister Celestia but ... what is the point of having jealousy over and over again.

She would remember that time where she broke her sister's heart and forced to imprison her to the moon...that she cannot let happen. She loves her sister even if the people love her day. Celestia is all she has left for a family member and remembers that she cared for her when they are both parentless, a scowl formed on her face after thinking that way.


'Lunnaa' growling voice inside her mind spoke in a sing-songed tone.

'Stop it Tantabus' She growled back with a more threatening manner than her usual.

'You ain't fun, you know' Tantabus teased back and silence is back once again.

'Know your position now that I have gain complete control over you' She smirked to herself knowing that her inner demon is now reined down.

"It's time to see other peoples dreams" She sighed, her other thoughts began to drift away as she expects different kinds of dream everyone has in this peaceful night.

To be honest, having a dominion over the dream world is a tough job:
Look unto other people's dreams or nightmares, fight those nightmares at the same time protect the dreamworld while carefully not overload the dream of someone...very tiring but fun or so she thought.

"Hmm...who should I go visit first"She pondered drawing a circle in thin air as it revealed to be a door to the dream world. Luna gracefully flapped her dark violet wings and entered the realm looking on each peaceful doors, searching for one to visit.

"Aha! I know"She open the door of magenta with wings. A dreamscape to her sister's favorite student, now a princess, Twilight Sparkle. The princess was almost shock when her dream overcame her last, she studied the surroundings around her.

"As usual books, books, book, even the rain is books, the houses, the trees, the people-Oh my...she never fails to surprise me" she gently chuckled to herself upon seeing a large book rode by Twilight akin to a surf board in a sea of books, laughing as she did.

Luna took one last look before leaving the dreamscape.

"Unto the next one"she decided and she walked around a series of doors, picking the one that caught her eye and opened one that leads to another fantasy...being a dream princess has its advantage; The shock and humor burgeoning within her when she first visited Celestia's dream and saw her oh-so-serious sister glaring at a tower of cakes as if trying to melt it before finally walking in circles, drawing icing from the cake and eating it. It caught her off guard for someone like her sister and notes a day to tease her about it.

She turned to look to the other side of the doorway to see Pinkie Pie eating an ice cream with her sisters around a rocky terrain, talking at them and laughing at the jokes she made while her sister just stifled their laughs except for one sister who remained defiant.

Luna almost fell when the door leading her to another dream was opened in air. Thankfully, she gracefully opened her wings and remain suspended in air. Regaining her composure, she saw Rainbow Dash looping around obstacles screaming with delight and made a big rainbow as she swooped down and emerged up. Luna was almost amazed at the many things she missed from her imprisonment.

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