Chapter 6 (Revised 2024)

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"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's nonsense"
-Lemony Snicket


"What's your plan now, Princess?"Twilight asked while Celestia paced around the corner next to the glass window of the castle.

"We should rescue her right away....I cannot stand that she's away from me again.....Sombra is a menace and I am afraid what he will do to her when the sun comes up tomorrow we will start one should know that Princess Luna was kidnapped or Sombra is out from Tartarus, tell all the captains to me.. after dinner we will have a discussion.

"Yes Princess...right away" Twilight unfolded her wings and flew out of the castle door but paused, "But Princess, maybe its a trap....King Sombra must have kidnapped Princess Luna to lure you...."She slipped her head inside the room through the open door again

"Don't worry Twilight...I formed a plan but we still must be careful so that it will be successfully accomplished" Celestia assured her student, Twilight, satisfied by her answer just nod at her and flew out.

"Celestia? Should I go with you there?"A calm masculine voice made her stop thinking as she turned to see a blue haired elf wearing a long thick violet robe standing near the doorframe, she breathed in relief, "Oh its just you Malorne and no you need not, this is my fight not yours....I don't want to put you in danger"

Malorne chuckled and went beside her, "You could never put me in danger, I'm a mage I can protect myself better"He said with fake pride that made her laugh lightly, "Your pride amuses me"She commented as she saw through his facade, "At least it makes you happy that's enough for me" He replied that made her look at him and give him a warm smile that almost shot through his heart, the mage turned to hide his face from her.

"Thank you for being there for me Malorne"

"Be at ease Celestia, you both will get through this" Malorne gave her an assuring remark, "Do you want me to fetch you a cup of tea?"

"I...uh"Celestia cleared her throat, "Let's fetch it together".

"Lord Sombra....Princess Celestia is planning an attack to you, she knew about the trap you laid out for her, and she's about come here in three days with her army and with a Kel'therilian citizen known as Malorne by her side"A canterlotian guard, revealing to be a changeling told King Sombra about what the outside world plan to unleash.

What can a poor guard like him do, he's just following orders for his princess' safety

"Excellent..."He said darkly and gave a victorious grin where the the guard nearly shrunk in fear,

"She will know that its too late to turn back...Celestia will never come out of the Empire alive" the guard went wide eyed at what he heard, "You may go"The guard bowed with fear in his system and walked out with a calm posture until he is out in view, he sprinted away.

"Shadow guard!"Sombra yelled for his right hand and a shadow went in from outside the castle, forming a human person that kneeled before him, "I have something to order you"

"I must tell Celestia about this....she cannot go" Luna relayed her thoughts out loud after hearing what Chrysalis stated of King Sombra's plan to her sister "My gratitude for relying this to me Chrysalis...take caution that he wouldn't find out"

"It's not a problem for me Luna, what I fear about is my guard for Sombra doesn't know that I listened but I still will be careful. After all we Princesses must stick together through whatever the challenges are" Chrysalis smiled sadly, she rose up from her sitting position and straighten her dark green dress, underneath a cloak, "Now if you'll excuse me I must return quickly..Cadenza must be worried"

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