Chapter 10 (Revised 2024)

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Celestia paced back and forth, her mind filled with questions or concerns for her younger sister, she made the whole plan of attack stop which made Twilight and Sunset confused but nonetheless checked on her from time to time for her thoughts of reclaiming Luna.

Malorne is back to his own kingdom again after Celestia's words of fear of him avoiding his duties just to see her on the other side.

Tonight, the moon suddenly vanished after showing up in the sky for a few minutes and Celestia was once again attacked with anxiety but she believes her sister is more capable of handling matters such as that. She placed her trust to Luna in full hopes that this will end the everlasting strife between two forces. To save that Shadow Prince leads her to question why on Equestria would she try to save he even worthy of her benevolence?
Princess Luna already raised the moon as dusk settled and is well prepared to take a rest for tomorrow's more inevitable events....she of all people still refused to go back on him and her word to Radiant Hope because she believes that if she could only let him see the truth, redemption would soon come following— waiting for him at the end of the road.

What his action scarred her for the time he betrayed her in that cave where she saved his life, she thought she'll have another new friend but in the end she was used, nearly robbed from her magic and her soul of kindness might be taken to.

After the young Luna was rescued by Celestia, she silently realized that she was falling hard for him but a thousand years of reflection was nearly quick to erase it all....


Princess Luna heaved a big sigh and questioned herself, 'Why would I still believe to a man with no redemption chances, he is evil as his mother and father, his sister of course was an exemption'. She scowled and unraveled her braided hair.

"Stupid Luna...why can't you just let it go"

The windows suddenly broke in front of her, shards of dark ice and glass sputtered into the floor as cold winds trampled all over the room

"I was wondering if you are Luna the Princess of the Moon?"A small black canary perch on the broken window with its voice echoing with ominous  chill, "Oh who am I kidding, you're the one I am looking for"

The bird grew big and chased the powerless Princess across the room, fighting her back to let her fall from the broken window and catching her with its sharp talons immediately flying away from the Crystal Empire.
"Uh Starswirl are you positively sure that unity will totally be the outcome?"Somnambula asked with doubt peering outside the window of her home in Oasis to see what the wise wizard is looking,"Yes I can tell that the events that has transpired will surely bring peace and unity between the two kingdoms, Celestia also asked me that same question when we're in the train...but I said that Equestria isn't just filled with good beings like us there is also dark beings hiding under the shadows, waiting for a perfect time to strike... anything could happen but it is already bound to happen....she will be the cause of his change" Starswirl assured the queen who still doesn't understand and grew deeply confuse at his long revelation, "What if Luna is in danger? I trust your predictions but-"

"Don't worry Somnambula all is in line to the will of of all people shouldn't doubt"Starswirl told her firmly without a second thought that made her satisfied with the answer, he then added, "He will save her"

"Call your son I have something to discuss with him"

"Yes, Starswirl" The woman in yellow egyptian dress with gold platings left the seat.
"Have you heard it.... Trixie? There's this book that contains knowledge on reviving dead people!?"Sunset said  flabbergasted, across the table from her sat her friend and ally, Trixie Lulamoon rolled her eyes from the book she's reading"Yeah yeah..."she replied,indicating that she's not into the topic.

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