Chapter 4 (Revised 2024)

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One of the joys of travel is visiting new towns and meeting new people.

-Genghis Khan

-------------Few days later

(In this story, The Crystal Empire is still the neighboring kingdom of Canterlot but +5 kilometers more farther but you get my point)

The Crystal Empire faired no better than after it was razed to the ground by the Shadow Prince. Few citizens went out of their homes to buy certain necessities while others locked their homes in fear as shadow guard and defeated guards of the Empire patrolled on the streets. Sun never penetrated the thick tar shield that surrounds the perimeter and every day appears as nighttime to everyone. Chaotic as it seemed, the citizens still held on for the help they deserve.

Luna woke up by the knocks behind the door, she groggily woke up and stretched her arms straight.

'Another torturous morning to start a day'.

"Delay thy eagerness" she told the ones behind the door, half irritated by disturbing her plan to sleep all day. Princess Luna combed her hair uninfluenced by magic that fell straight on her back and neatly followed the comb's path. She placed the comb back to the vanity and headed straight to open, the door revealing Chrysalis and a woman with a hair combination of pink, violet, and white that made her face lit up.

"Cadenza! My, you have grown so beautifully since I last met you!" Luna smiled as she let her cousins in the room and hugged the latter.

"You have no idea how she frets over us in the castle" Chrysalis states with a 'as a matter of fact' tone, her voice honeyed and a little rough.

"Although driven the circumstances, I did not dream for us to meet in this condition" Cadence shook her hand almost making the poor woman dizzy and wondering all about her personality that developed through out the years.

Chrysalis just stood by them, happy that her sister somewhat pulled herself together after they talked about it over night.

"Pray tell, what is the sudden visit? I know that man wouldn't permit you two" She looked at the two in confusion of the sudden stopover.

Chrysalis scowled while Cadence made a silly grin,"I would agree but
Sombra 'asked' us to deliver these...."She rolled her eyes while putting out a big box full of violet and dark dresses to the bed from outside the door, "Where in the shadow chasms did he get these?" She exclaimed in shock while Cadence squealed much to the two's worry.

"Oh he didn't say but here it is...How romantic~"Cadence remarked, winking, Chrysalis urged not to smack her sister for talking Sombra lightly,

"How in Tartarus can you say that Cadenza" The green haired woman lightly reprimanded, "If auntie were to be here-"

"She would also agree with me" The younger sister finished her sentence. The two looked at her like she's crazy, "Aunt Diamond told me in a dream" The princess of Love winked.

"!" Chrysalis gritted her teeth and slightly disheveled her sister's hair."That little Prince have a bad temper and I hate to obey but we have to get back now...we'll be back with breakfast" the latter announced after dropping off the box of dresses and pushed her younger sister out of the door after saying their goodbyes to Luna.

"Oh alright then..... I'll see you girls soon" Luna bid them out with her voice fading near the end.

She's alone again.

Heading to the box to inspect her newly arrived attire, noting how perfect they are for her size, she picked one of her best choice and walked to the bathroom connected to her room to take a bath.

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