Chapter 11 (Revised 2024)

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"Only those you love, can break your heart."-Morgana (League of Legends)


"She lied?" Sombra gripped his face in anger not caring how painful that is, "I see your pain is far more greater than mine when I found out"Radiant Hope told him with sadness in her features.

"Who told you?" He looked at her straight in the eyes.

"A citizen from Crestfallen who seem to pluck out her consciousness and uncovered our mother's secret"

"Ah, but the part that Galaxia and Cosmos killed our parents is still the truth right?" Sombra turned to ask his sister who shrugged sadly, the psionic green flames around his eyes vanished before returning back again. Everything soon turned out confusing for the two of them that he do not know which heads or tails to make out, "I don't know..but I think I found a history tablet kept in one of the glass windows of our castle in Crestfallen"

Someone who was keeping a close note of our history must have written it. I couldn't decipher it though because I only have limited dark energy but you.. brother, you can power it up for me so I can read it!", Radiant Hope exclaimed to her brother with eager eyes that screams to uncover the truth  outside of this mess, "What do you think?"

"I haven't thought about reading histories before...I only focused in giving them justice, I loved our parents deeply more than you know..but if this is for the final truth, then yes—"Sombra sighed in surrender, "We have fallen far enough in their schemes, it is time for rectification" Princess Radiant Hope gave him a pat on his cold metallic armour who's eyes shined with tears as she beckons him to follow her.

The girl's eyes glowed white as she extends her hand on both sides, a white magic circle with fractal patterns appeared below them—in a minute they disappeared from the cave and was transported in the middle of the long hallway of their old kingdom in Crestfallen. Their old homeland who's light forsaken the place with nothing but snow and statues of people around to oversee.

"That's remarkable Hope, when did you know how use that?"Sombra turned to his sister, pride evident on his face at what she did.

"Oh Father helped but I thought of improving and dreamed of reaching your level.....Speaking of which, do you really think they loved us" She came to a halt while Sombra thought of his answer while walking, "Even a little, they do have some memories with us aside from training us to fight" Hope nearly cried in relief, her heart somehow lightened to hear such assurance.

"That's good to know"She wiped a stray of her tears, "Now that window is located in front of their room above in the second floor of the castle."

The castle looked eerie with just the two of them around and more than a dozen of stoned citizens gave a more horrifying view outside. Stone floors around them cracked and formed a hole while some are rising up from their spot against the other, they stepped on the slab of rusty metal that served as the stairs to the second floor of the old half destroyed castle.

Sombra stopped to look around his 'home' with memories of his parents with him and his sister is lingering in every step he takes. His mind found it impossible to believe what both Princess Luna and Hope told him about them.

"Brother, I've found it!" his bubble was burst as Radiant Hope's voice dragged him to his heel to move and found her looking at a still intact glass window, "Okay, just focus your dark energies here until it turns red so I can read it"Hope softly instructed her brother, Sombra was hesitant but followed, drawing dark energy to his fingertips to the window.

He expected that old window to break from his magic but it didn't, instead it turned blood red as white covered words appeared from above spelling until the end of the frame.

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