Chapter 3 (Revised 2024)

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Our very eyes

Are sometimes, like our judgments, blind.

-William Shakespeare


"YOU! Half-witted bastard!"Luna angrily screamed so loudly that Chrysalis standing beside have to cover her ears.

"The one and only, Lady of the Moon... I'm guessing you like your new room?"He smirked walking around her in circles carrying his signature smirk that made her remember those years before this situation.

'That damned-'

"Give me at least 30 reasons why you are here you filth!"Luna almost tried to slap him from hell and back for her anger at his betrayal and what he did to her at this moment but restrained herself.

"You out!"he commanded Chrysalis roughly, earning a disgusted look from Luna and the other princess, of course have no choice but to listen to him and stomp out of the door, closing it door with a loud thud.

"Listen Selene, Lady of the Moon, Dream Lady or whatever your name is now. I'm so honored for you stay here as my guest in the Crystal Empire, I'm saying you like the redecorating of the Empire, gems are really not my thing"he said with vivid sarcasm, proudly placing a hand on his armored chest.

"What is the meaning of this aren't you tired of using me!?What do you want! You still haven't answered me yet"The princess, running out of patience, snapped at him like she didn't heard what he told her a second ago.

"What do I want....what do I want you say?! Stupendous that you still don't understand... I will continue to use you all I want in exchange to what your parents did, they killed them without I'll do the same to the both of you!! I want you all ignorant fools imprisoned in Tartarus in payment for locking me and my sister in Tartarus with Tirek"He answered with much hatred lacing his words that made Princess Luna flinch and took a little step back from him but maintaining the same angry glare.

"And of course for you to be secure in this kingdom, I held you under a shackle that disables spell casting so that you cannot use your powers" Luna opened her mouth to retort.

"Except raising the moon since I still have some reasonable thinking in me" Sombra stated with a shrug of his shoulders but then noticed how deep the woman in front is thinking, he grabbed her chin by his index finger.

"Hmmm, think about running?"He said with a smirk,"This castle is encircle with my dark magic so I would know if you trespassed outside this room" Luna forcefully shook her chin away, a small tint of red covered her cheeks but thankfully he didn't saw it or else it will destroy her dignity furthermore.

"If you wanted to kill me then do so now....I don't need your mercy...again"She shook off the nostalgic feeling and gave a brave request, surrending her life.

'No one will harm Celestia...not on my watch'

"You said you wanted revenge, you're not going to hesistate" Princess Luna raised her chin proudly.

He brushed a finger again on her cheek which she was disgusted at the moment. All those years of memories are getting back at her again and lingered there as if to make make her reminisce something.

"Refrain from doing that" he gave her a teasing smirk and withdrawed his finger.

"Why, using you as a bait for the Sun Princess and give the both of you a slow torture that will send her running to me" he drawled that his laid back voice of plain enjoyment made her want to unleash Tantabus on him.

"Dishonor on you"she sneered at him that made him smile darkly.

Tendrils of dark smoke encircled her being as he look deep in her violet eyes with his bright green ones.

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