Chapter 7 (Revised 2024)

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Shining Armor's POV

Over looking house of crystals, a cold interior of bitter frost embraced with fear and ominous this is the Crystal Empire....

Princess Celestia sent me to record how the citizens are doing under Sombra's regime and it looks worst for wear.

I clutched the hood covering the prominent characteristics that differentiates me from the citizens of the Crystal Empire.

If I fail, not only will Canterlot be in danger but I won't be able to return back to my family.

'I have to be careful....'
---3rd POV

A few hours of wandering the ground of the once vivacious empire, Shining Armor took notes of his observation. From the state of economy, peace and order, and the nightmaric atmosphere stretched across the land.

"Hey!" He directed his attention towards a young child being pulled away from his parent. The man hesitated, if he tries to intervene...

"Stop!"The assailant looked at him plainly with a sneer. It was a business man who the child seemed to offend in any way.

"And you are?"The chubby man raised a brow on his attempt.

"That boy is a thief! And he must repay my goods" the mother and child dropped to their knees and begged for mercy, grieving from false judgement. Shining Armor looked back and sighed, he cannot let this injustice pass.

"Sir, I think you are gravely mistaken....what proof do you have to condemn this young child?" The man looked at him aghast. His puffed cheeks reddened in anger akin to ripe tomatoes. He rubbed his chin and scoped his robed opponent.

"Hey...I know you! You're that guard from Canterlot" Of course that was a lie, Shining Armor remembers everyone he has encountered. And just by that his guise was uncovered.

"Guards!!!!" The man jumped in childlike tantrum, "Seize him! He's a guard from Canterlot!" The blue and white haired commander soon saw shadow guards from his right towards him and ran for his life.

The chase lasted long enough for Shining Armor to run out of breath. Gasping with parts of his body aching from something unknown, he hid in a nearby alley.

"Psst-!" A voice called him out of his trance, "Grab my hand!" The shadow urged him and with little consciousness in his body, he took the hand of smooth texture and together they hid away from the guards.

"Don't move" A feminine voice hushed him while a salved was tapped gently over a stinging bruise he just noticed.

"That was very brave of you Canterlotian.... you're lucky I found you before them" Shining Armor opened his eyes to see a young woman with white and pinkish violet hair wearing a dress that fits for a princess' status applying medication to his body.

"Thank you so much for helping us sir!" He heard child's gratitude that slowly drew a smile on his face.

"Please save us from King Sombra" Shining Armor's face turned somber.

"I promise....Princess Celestia will know of this" He tried to stand up when the woman blocked his move.

"I advice you to leave this place kind sir. Return once again after a few days to settle the dust of your arrival" Her voice almost lulled him to sleep and now that he came across her pink eyes that shine like would be impossible not to come back if only he wasn't a royal guard.

"W-whats your name Miss?" Shining Armor discarded the main topic with a question that shock the young maiden. She slightly giggled that made his brain short-circuit.

"My name is.....?" She paused for a while, "Peach Heart and you might be?" She hesitated of telling her name but happily extended her hand for a shake.

"It's best we leave them Stone Crane" The mother urged her son out with the child asking dozens of questions.

Shining Armor smiled, the woman looked too exquisite like a princess. Unbeknownst to him, Princess Cadence felt her face and ears reddened as she gaze more to his ocean blue eyes with his cheeky smile that looked perfectly cute.

"Shining Armor, my gratitude for helping me escape."His heart pounds in his chest as he introduced himself and took a curtly nod of his head.

"Y-you have to go" The woman urged him with trepidation. "Be safe on your travel back" She stood up to tidy herself with confusion plastered on Shining Armor's face.

"Can we meet again? You-" He abruptly asked. Cadence bit her lip before turning to him with a smile.

"Please don't endanger yourself of coming back for me" She held his callous hands.

"I will" It was another lie. Shining Armor wouldn't want to admit it but he was struck the moment he laid his eyes on her and vowed to return once again to see her.

"Take care of yourself Shining Armor" The mysterious woman bid her farewells before exiting the room, "I pray we meet again" That's his clearance.

'And we shall' Shining Armor sighed to himself with a happy smile.

"Perhaps this mission wasn't a failed one" He muttered to himself before gathering his bearings to leave the Empire.

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