Chapter 8 (Revised 2024)

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She wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.

-Nicholas Sparks

/////// 2 days have passed

Cadence sighed contently in the room she shared with her sister. Her heart fluttering at the echoing response of the dashing man she met way back.

'Is it love at first sight I wonder?' The young princess inadvertently squealed. She was so nonchalant in they're conversation but she sure is feeling the love radiating.

'I... I'm afraid this is too unplanned'

'If we're destined, then I'll take the risk'

Her mind rambled continuously as she walked towards the bed that she and Chrysalis shared and plopped with a heavy sigh as she embraced her pillow.

"What's going on with you Cay, don't tell me-" Chrysalis slipped inside the room and immediately asked her as she noticed her antics.

'She's the one who always know what's going on' Cadence grimaced.

"Chrysy...I" the pink haired sibling started.

"What is it?"

"Um nothing!"Cadence brushed it off to Chrysalis with a nervous smile.

Unfortunately for her, Chrysalis just met her with a sharp raise of an eyebrow, her eyes glimmered with interest, "I know you met someone,Mi Amore.... We're not siblings if I don't know the meaning in those lovely eyes of yours."She pats her younger sister's head a little bit softer than usual and went to get something from her cabinet.

"Who is he?" She gave a saccharine smile with her hand holding her cheek.

"He was from....canterlot" Cadence whispered. Chrysalis drew back, shocked.

"I know....but, he wanted to return here to meet me" the younger woman's face fell. She looked straight at her sister's eyes with the look Chrysalis can't dismiss.

"Please help me Chrysy....I don't know how it would go"
(Some kind of flashback)

''What's your favorite food?''Sombra inquired the woman who was facing the cave entrance while a snowstorm is going on.

"Huh?...What do you meant by this sudden question Sombra?"Princess Luna retorts in confusion with a defensive look now facing him before turning her gaze back to the storm.

"Just answer the question" He huffed, green psionic aura from his eyes dulled a bit, the winds grazed them with a chilly breeze of the night, "This means no harm"

"Hmmmm....blackberry pie?" The woman relaxed accompanied with a slight chuckle. He never told her but Sombra commends her as she is unbothered by the cold wind that is going inside and out of the cave.

"Well I like... something fiery hot and spicy with a tinge of sweetness....likr you"He leaned forward while the princess leaned back from him, her inner thoughts gone hay-wire with confusion.

"Trying to hold a small talk huh? Don't worry, this storm will soon pass"

"I'm afraid this has nothing to do with the storm outside" Sombra gave her a smirk to which Luna became flustered.

"It's true then.... I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you" He comments, his voice rough and deep, almost as if it was an abyss waiting for her to fall. Half of his face is covered by the light of the moon in despite of the snowstorm going on, the moon still glowed bright against them.

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