Chapter 2 (Revised 2024)

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"Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow."
- Swedish Proverb

In contrast to the deteriorating vibrance of the Crystal Empire, Canterlot is brimming with energy and light. The birds tweeting reached a room of pure white and yellow ombre as a porcelain hand emerged from the blankets and stretched.

Celestia's POV

I woke up to a good morning, walking to my balcony outside just in time to raise the sun. Soon took a bath and changed my nightgown into a more suitable white dress and walked out of my room.

"Good morning your Majesty.... your breakfast will soon be ready in the dinning room"Sugary Sweet greeted me before I walked down the stairs, "Thank you Sugary and please call me by my name and no formalities while it's just the both of us"I told her with a kind smile, "Yes ma'am...I mean Cele-stia"she sheepishly drawled and scurried off.

I took a seat in one of many empty chairs in the long dinning table as the maids served me my morning meal, "Sugary Sweet I want you to arrange the balcony near the gardens, I would like to spend time with my sister tonight" I told her, since yesterday I was flooding with paper work and the news about Prince Sombra's appearance and Queen Diamond's death shook us especially my sister since they had a small history.

I have to get it off her mind and calm her down... everything is under control,"Yes Pr-Celestia"The young woman lowly muttered before she exited the room.

What is going on? I thought Sombra and Radiant Hope are done for. Why resurface now? And they Queen Diamond...what power did they acquire for taking down an archaic being? It doesn't add up...After finishing my meal I stood up from my seat as a maid gathered the plates I ate with and cleaned my place.

I have to research about this occurrence... there's something amiss within the dark history of Equestrian monarchy.

Before going to the library, I stopped by my sister's room and knocked before her door, "Enter" She said firmly with a hint of coldness in her voice 'She must be overthinking things right now' I opened the door and walked in seeing her back against me as she sat on her bed.

She stared before her wide window where the sun's rays didn't penetrate inside as it was blocked by a wide curtain,"Oh sister, I'm sorry I didn't know its you" she apologized after sensing me, she closing the book she's holding.

"No it's okay Luna, as you know I have arranged a dinner for the two of us in the balcony near the gardens and......"I stated calmly but stopped talking when her eyes became blank telling me about a raging conflict going inside, the eyes don't lie.

"What's wrong? it's just yesterday you went on your sword practice and now you are slumped up in your room" I asked with worry, sitting beside her on the crescent moon shaped bed.

"The news.. Queen Diamond fought Prince Sombra...that means he has resurfaced again. What if it happens again just like the last few years Celestia? I repudiated such things to happen" she hugged herself with an annoyed look on her face.

"It'll be fine Luna, it won't happen I promise. We'll plan to take back the Empire with all my might and rescue our cousins"I put a hand on her knee covered by the cloth of her dress of cascading fabrics of violet.

She chuckled under my embrace,"It's been a long time since we did this mushy stuff"

"For the record it was 20 years from now"I giggled with her and broke the hug, "Don't worry Luna, he won't take you...not again" I told her as she nod her head. Her hair flowing gently like thousands of galaxies clumped together. Finally she has regained her valiant composure.

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