Chapter 5 (Revised 2024)

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"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."― Mahatma Gandhi

After days obscured by darkness, the citizens of the empire was overcame by fatigue and has weakened due to sun less days. It has becoming a plague for doctors and medics alike to medicate.

Sleeping is a hard task for Luna complete. Her mind quite in disarray for all that has happened—she felt weak and powerless to do anything, "Oh...Celestia, please don't fret much about my absence" She muttered in the air.

"That bastard...what has come unto him to commence such ridiculous plan" She retorts towards an invisible someone.

The young princess sighed and walked  towards the window sealed with dark spikes only leaving a tiny space for the light of the moon to pass through.

'You are an ocean of waves,
Weaving a dream,
Like thoughts become a river stream,
Yet may the tide ever change,
Flowing like time,
To the path, yours to climb.

Thou seek the light,
With an outstretched hand,
A divine blade lies before you,
So command the wake of dreams,
To restore the world, cut 'way the seams.

Join in our prayer, in our song,
Of birthrights and love,
Come the sun, illuminate the sky,
Pray that we may quell the dark,
Light take the throne.

Lost in thoughts, all alone.

You are an ocean of waves,
Weaving a dream,
Like thoughts become a river stream,
Yet may the tide ever change,
Flowing like time,
To the path yours to claim.

Thou seek the dark,
With an unsheathed blade,
Now a white ivory throne beckons,
So obtain the fate you sow,
On this path, be weary friend and foe-'

To release the accumulating melancholy in her heart, the princess began to sing a slow melodic tune sang to her by the late Queen when she was still alive to which she hopes it will be carried away to her sister's ears. Unfortunately, the Crystal Empire is more than 20 kilometers away from Canterlot and it will only be dispersed in the environment.

Her melodic tune only stopped when she sensed his presence behind.

"To what may I concern you this time" She inquired with nonchalance. The princess didn't acknowledge his presence and cared less.

"Your singing is disrupting my sleep" She rolled her eyes unbeknownst to him.

'Excuses to pester her'

"Is that so?....why complain? My tone was more than praised that it brings  people to slumber peacefully...why can't you?"

"Tch! Enough singing...I can't stand your voice!"Sombra said in a more irritated tone, "Oh?, You must've remembered hmm?"It was Luna's turn to play, she faced him with a crooked brow.

"Hah! I do remember you saying that you loved how I sing, no?"

"It's not about that time! Just stop with the singing" Sombra slumped on his shoulders giving her a scowling look.

"I don't care about your opinion....lest give me a freedom to do what I wanted...You have already imprisoned me here" She gave him a look matching up with a death glare while her hands are closed to her chest.

"Look at you...making a tantrum like a child, so frivolous" Her starry orbs  locked unto his ruby red ones. "I don't mind if you go back and lock yourself forever in that shadowed room.....really out of style"

"Alright..! You win this time sing all you want until you can't talk anymore for all I care" Sombra threatened but from the look of his face, he seemed really tired. Luna felt a bit bad but nevertheless he deserved it.

It was him who set up an eternal darkness it wouldn't be fair for nature to exempt him from repercussions.

"Good, You have settled your mind and gave me a little freedom as this....I didn't expect you to be that reasonable"Luna commented wearing a taunting smile.

"You're such a pain in the neck"He remarked trying to give her a witty reply before he vanished with a puff of smoke.

Luna shrugged at his disappearance of course but that conversation was the only conversation she enjoyed above all they had.


Here's the full song from Fire Emblem Fates

It's really good to listen to, calming and soothing.
Credits to the artist of the picture

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