15th Quarter

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Author's Note!

Reviews and Criticism is highly appreciated.

Warning: May have a little bit of OOC but nevertheless, it is how I envisioned it. J

*Italics are thoughts of the characters. * *Bold letters are in English*


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events portrayed in this story is used fictitiously or products of the author's imaginations.

The Strategist Empress. Copyright © 2016 by Cordelia Michaelis. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kuroko No Basket. I only own the Plot and the OC.


Chapter 15

We coordinated with Shutoku's coach about our trainings and decided that Seirin will use the outside court while Shutoku will use the inside court in the morning and then practice matches between the day and then vice versa. I let Kagami off with a different training program that doesn't include playing in the practice matches against Shutoku. He was mad at first but a simple glare and few words made him willingly did his separate training regime.

Riko and I was standing at the sidelines before I went and took notes on the players as well as adding my data of Shutoku's stats before I handed them to Chiaki who compiled it with the others. I glanced at the time before leaving and going to the kitchen to cook our food. As I got the ingredients out, a figure appeared that gave me a slight fright. I closed my eyes and took calming breaths before glaring at the short red head. "Seijuro." The red head smirked and immediately caged me between his arms as I turned towards him and he rests his chin on my head.

I rolled my eyes before I turned my back to him and continued to prepare the food, purposely ignoring him. I made the food and decided to add more for Shutoku while Akashi stared at my profile and followed my every move. He helped when I try to lift things or take things from the counter and cupboard.

Dinner came and every one of them was surprised to see the Rakuzan Captain sitting calmly beside me as I finished placing the food. They didn't have the energy to argue with me and Kuroko offered Chiaki the seat beside him and she subtly blushed but accepted and they both started to make small talks and I was surprised at my cousin's actions since he never openly displays his emotions but with Chiaki, he was like an open book.

I subtly smirked at the two before continued eating. I finished after a few minutes and stood up while I took my plate with me and dumped it in the dishwasher. I washed my hands and proceeded to walk back to the dining room only to freeze on the spot as I took in my surroundings. I saw Akashi sitting calmly and eating his food while the rest were in a frozen state like I was. I sighed before looking at Akashi with a tired and meaningful look. "Come now, Seijuro."

He side-glanced at me before he finished his food and brought his dishes to the washer and guided me away from the group, his hand was placed on my lower back as he gently pushed me but quickly glared at the people in the room and I had to pinch his arm to stop him. "Leave them, Seijuro. They did nothing wrong." He looks at me and my cold eyes met his heterochromatic ones and we left the room.

We went towards the room that I was supposed to share with Riko and Chiaki but found myself being dragged away by Akashi as he turns to his rented room for the night. He immediately hugs me from behind.

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