12th Quarter

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Author's Note!

I'm so sorry for all the cliffhangers but a story wouldn't be exciting enough without all the cliffy. :3

Reviews and Criticism is highly appreciated.

Warning: May have a little bit of OOC but nevertheless, it is how I envisioned it. J

*Italics are thoughts of the characters. *


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events portrayed in this story is used fictitiously or products of the author's imaginations.

The Strategist Empress. Copyright © 2016 by Cordelia Michaelis. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kuroko No Basket. I only own the Plot and the OC.


Chapter 12

It was finally the day of the first round of the Championship league. I arrived at the venue and spotted the Shutoku players as they stopped at the board for the games. They've quietly discussed who would win in each game. "You won't be seeing Seirin advance, unfortunately." I spoke with indifference and Takao's ever useful Hawk eye avoided being scared at my sudden appearance. "Why, isn't it Seirin's Manager? I thought you'll have confidence that you guys will win." I scoffed at that before I looked at them straight in the eyes. "Maybe my data is for reassurance. Not confidence for the team. As of now, my data is accurate."

"Yuki-san, isn't it?" Takao asked and I nodded. "Do you happen to know where that eccentric Shin-chan may be?" He asked and I smirked. "Of course I do. But I won't tell you since it would really spoil my mood." I scoffed and proceeded to turn back and walk towards the gym. All the Shutoku players frowned at the bluenette as I made my way in the gym.

-Touou Gakuen's Locker Room-

"What? Aomine's not here yet?!" The pinkette screamed at the team with her eyes wide with shock and horror. "He won't answer, no matter how many times I called." Imayoshi said while he held his phone and showed her the call log that he made, indicating his point and looked at Wakamatsu.

"That bastard..." Wakamatsu clenched his fist angrily at their missing ace. "Sorry, sorry! It is my fault!" Sakurai bowed in obvious apology. "I'll try calling him!" Momoi said as she ran out of the room to make the important call. It rang for a few minutes before Aomine answered it.

"There you are!" Momoi screamed at the phone. "Hello?" The dark haired teen answered while he was still half asleep. "What are you doing? Where are you right now?" Momoi spouted off questions at the person in question. "Where? I'm at school." He answered in a lazy voice before he realized that and sit up. "Oh, sorry. I overslept." "Overslept?!" Momoi screamed again.

A static sound can be heard before Imayoshi's voice took over. "Aomine, how long until you get here?" "Oh, Imayoshi-san. I'll probably be there by the second half."

The Four-eyed Touou Captain sighed exhaustedly before replying to the Ace. "We're counting on you! We're up against Seirin!" "There you go again." Aomine smirked and scoffed at the obvious worry that his captain showed. "Twenty minutes is more than enough time to crush those scrubs. Do whatever you can during the first half." "What? Hey..." Aomine cuts their communication off before his phone vibrated, indicating that he had a message.

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