31st Quarter

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Author's Note!

Reviews and Criticism is highly appreciated.

Warning: May have a little bit of OOC but nevertheless, it is how I envisioned it.

*Italics are thoughts of the characters. * *Bold letters are in English*


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events portrayed in this story is used fictitiously or products of the author's imaginations.

The Strategist Empress. Copyright © 2016 by Cordelia Michaelis. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kuroko No Basket. I only own the Plot and the OC. 


 Chapter 31

Mayuzumi passed to Mibuchi the way I knew he would do and Mibuchi scored a three. Kiyoshi's shocked face as he stared at the white haired male and he shakily said, "That just now..."

"Misdirection?" Riko said as she had a look of disbelief in her eyes as she stared at the court.

Akashi stood beside Izuki who turned to the calm captain as he informed the other point guard. "He has the same traits as Tetsuya but the basic specs are all one notch higher. In other words, Tetsuya is the previous model."

Kuroko blankly stared at the court but his eyes expressed his shock and I let out an irritated sigh. "Mayuzumi-san is the new model for the phantom sixth man...but don't be so sure of the new prototype, Akashi. Even if the new one has all the new specs and that it is upgraded, no one can beat the original." I mumbled the last part as I crossed my arms and stared down at the other player.

I slowly faded my strong presence to mimic Kuroko's misdirection and this time, I added in my other specialty, my cat like stealth. I simply stood in front of Mayuzumi and let him do as he pleased by passing the ball around before I made my move. Mayuzumi passed the ball to Eikichi and the big man caught it while he exclaimed a loud, "All Right!" and scored another point for Rakuzan.

The crowd went wild and yelled, "And it's in! Rakuzan scores back to back!"

"To think they had such an ambush ready..." Aomine lazily said but his eyes were too focused in the game. "A new type of Phantom sixth man."

Mayuzumi and Eikichi ran back to their side of the court and the big man slapped the shoulder of the smaller one as he jerked from the impact. It's not like I'm doing it for you guys. If the pass goes through, it makes me feel good. If you're in a good spot, I'll pass to you. Mayuzumi thought.

Hyuga glanced back at Kiyoshi who was frozen and snapped him out of his state. "It's just one shot! Let's get one back!" Kiyoshi agreed as they went back to their positions.

I sighed and walked towards my calculated target, using my lack of presence and stealth as Izuki caught the ball and assessed the situation. How will we deal with Mayuzumi? We have to do something... He thought and I caught his attention by raising a hand up before nodding, letting Mayuzumi think that he will pass but Mitobe blocked him and he shot the ball instead. I raised an eyebrow and my eyes caught all the data needed, smirking at my target. "I got you now Mayuzumi-san. You'll be suffering soon enough."

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