30th Quarter

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Author's Note

Reviews and Criticism is highly appreciated.

Warning: May have a little bit of OOC but nevertheless, it is how I envisioned it.

*Italics are thoughts of the characters. * *Bold letters are in English*


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events portrayed in this story is used fictitiously or products of the author's imaginations.

The Strategist Empress. Copyright © 2016 by Cordelia Michaelis. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kuroko No Basket. I only own the Plot and the OC.   


 Chapter 30

Seirin earned another point as Kagami dunked the ball above Eikichi as he blocked Kagami. The crowd roared as we scored against the reigning Emperors. The others were amazed at the power forward's display in the zone meanwhile I smirked at Kagami before I stood up and easily slipped out from the court and into the audience where I found the Touou team, watching intently at the game that was happening below. I sat on the stairs right beside Momoi as they heatedly discussed the effects of the zone in a player's body and eavesdropped at the conversation.

"Isn't it a bad thing? Zone uses up stamina like nothing else, right?" A Touou member questioned. "Is he going to last till the end?"

Aomine had explained what the Zone can do to one's body and I simply glanced at their discussion.

"He won't last until the end but you'll see something really amazing." I made my presence known by answering the male as I solely focused on the game. "Why I am here is irrelevant to the game." My vibrant purple eyes slowly glanced at the team before snapping back to the game.

Is this Yuki-chan?! She's changed so much ever since the finals started. Momoi thought as her pink eyes observed me subtly as Aomine raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend for slipping out unnoticed by her own team mates. "Babe, are you even allowed to be here?" The navy haired male asked.

"I'm entitled to do whatever I want, Daiki." I said in a teasing way as I glanced at him. "I'm not needed in my full potential in this game. I'm going to let Seijuro see half of my ability in the third quarter. I've already figured out the Emperor's plan and he will suffer a painful death once I am done with him." I lowly growled as my eyes focused on the grey haired male while the team beside me shivered in fear. "Momo-chan, keep tabs on #5, Mayuzumi Chihiro."

Their eyes diverted back to the court and as soon as the ball went out of bounds, Riko switched Kuroko to Mitobe and my hunches were correct as the spectators commented on how they are disappointed that Kuroko is off the court in the first quarter. "Daiki, make sure to get me after the game. We don't want my hands to be dirty with the blood of a certain red head captain."

Aomine's navy eyes glanced at my form as I cracked my knuckles and wrists, warming them up as I prepared myself to get in the game. "Yuki, what are you thinking?" He asked.

"Not one detail is missed, Daiki. Be aware of the people surrounding you and you'll know what I am on about. Listen close and observe." I said before I stood up and gave a small tap on Momoi's shoulder as I left them and went back to my own team. "Riko. I have a slight concern about this game and I want you and Chiaki to observe the game." I focused on the game as they nodded, my eyes never leaving the court and Rakuzan changed their marks with Akashi facing Kagami in a one on one.

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