Chapter 24-Fighting my nightmares

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Sheba's POV
The minute I came too, I felt my ribs feel a bit better so Bruce must have fixed them while I was sleeping. Opening my eyes and sitting up from the metal table, looking around no one else was in the room. I was alone, No! Don't think like that, they all must have left to give you some space. The little voice in my head said and I agreed with it.

  Getting off the table my knees buckled a bit from carrying my own weight but after some time I was standing on my own and soon walking out of the lab and back to my room. Even if the whole HYDRA lab thing pasted a long time ago my mind still screamed at me to get out of any lab, either good or evil.

My left rib cage still hurt but not as much as before. Holding my right hand over my left rib cage, so the pain wasn't as bad, I made my way over to my room. Only to have literally run into someone in the hallway, causing me to fall backwards but luckily this person had fast reflexes and caught me before I hit the ground.

The person brought me back to my own two feet and I said. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."

"The apologies is mine Lady Sheba." Looking up it was Thor standing in front of me which was better since I needed to talk with him.

"Thor, remember when I had told you guys what had happened?" He nods his head. "Well he called me," Looking around and leaning close to Thor I whisper. "The tricksters daughter again."

"Lady Sheba, Loki may be your father but he refuses to acknowledge it. I am truly sorry." I waved it off while shaking my head.

"It's ok Thor. And I'll be in my room if anyone wants to know." With that we say out bye and head in opposite directions.

While walking to my room I thought about Loki being my father which that would make Thor my step uncle. And that would make Thor's parents my step-grandparents. That would also mean that I may or may not be able to rule Asgard. Slow your roll there me, getting a bit too out of hand.

Inside the S.H.E.I.L.D Helicarrier room it was the same as any other room. Same grey walls, same small bed, same bathroom, same everything. That's the good thing about it though, it was easier to find needed things.

Laying down on the bed and facing the ceiling I though about the man in my nightmare. His voice seemed so familiar yet unfamiliar all at once. The way he talk as well seemed like someone I know but don't remember. It was frustrating as well, not knowing answers to questions but to only get more questions.

My wings wrapped themselves around my body and there color had changed from white to the dark and light purple color. Showing that I had two emotions at once; Anger and Frustration.

  My dark and light purple wings wrapped around my small body, like a soft blanket. The feathers were soft and smooth, making it harder to stay awake. I didn't want to go back to sleep, afraid of that man coming back to hurt me some more.

  In the end my eyes had grew heavy and sleep came in faster than it's ever come in all my 22 years on this planet earth.

I was back in space, but instead of looking at the planted and stars. I was on the deserted planet that used to have the alien man.

Cautiously, I walked forward trying to find any living thing in this planet but so far there was nothing but was on this deserted planet other than brown sand.

My wings wrapped themselves around right as a huge rock was aimed at my stomach. The force of the huge rock sent me flying back but landed gracefully on the ground.

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