Chapter 43-A Little Fun Won't Hurt Anyone

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Sheba's POV
  Last night was a blast with Peter. After his Aunt May as cool with him staying over the night we had gone to my floor where he was amazed by the smell and the cool half tree in the living room.

We started off with playing some COD III, then moved to eat some ice cream. After that we moved onto pulling pranks on everyone other than Natasha cause she would literally kill us if we pulled a prank on her.

Peter and me had stayed up all last night planning and making the prank. We had fallen asleep at 4 in the morning but my brain being my brain it decided to still wake me up at 6:30 in the FREAKING morning.

Opening my eyes cautiously, since my curtains were open and the bright light of the sun shone through the window wall, I found Peter sleeping on the other side of the bed. There was a bit of drool coming out of his mouth which was all too cute.

Using my mind power, I teleported a polaroid in my hands I took a picture while covering the flash. The final print came out from the bottom and I had to hold in a squeal for how cute he looks sleeping.

Teleporting the polaroid and replacing it with the scrap book JARVIS had gotten for me on my 22 birthday, I put the picture of sleeping Peter on a fresh clean page and wrote on the bottom: Sleeping Peter Parker. Cute!!

The scrap book was covered by the purple mist and soon was gone from my hand. Taking out my pocket watch I find the correct time to be 6:34 a.m. Shoot the prank is going to begin in 6 minutes.

Walking to the side of Peter I shook him lightly while calling his name out. When that didn't work I used my earth powers and made vines start to grow from his legs to his chest were they would then wrap around his body.

His blue eyes flashed open with worry and fear. "What is crawling up my leg?" Peter didn't dare to move from his position.

"They're just vines to wake you up since shaking you didn't work out." Spidey sat up from bed removing the covers to find his left leg filled with green vines.

"Is that why your eyes are green?" He asked and I nod my head. "Can you call your vines off my leg." With a flick of my writs the vines were off his left leg in a flash. "Thanks."

Grabbing his hand and pulling him off the bed I said. "Come on sleepy head the prank is going to start and we have to be in the security office to watch through the cameras." At the word 'prank' Peter and me were sprinting down the hall into the elevator and soon enough in the security office.

Pulling up the cameras for Clint's, Tony's, Steve's, Bruce's, and Thor's room. Steve was the first up. "Just like planned." Peter said under his breath.

Steve left his room and walked right into the trip wire, luckily he didn't feel it. On Tony's camera a splash of ice cold water hits his face making Tony wake up to the cold. He got out of bed and to his bathroom tripping over another wire.

In Clint's room he was sleeping but not for long since one ink arrow, one gas arrow, and one small bomb arrow all fire at once. The ink arrow to the floor, the gas arrow in the middle of the room clouding the room with white gas, and the small bomb arrow waking him up.

Clint jumps put of bed and onto the floor only to slip under the ink. He got up but slipped some more. Clint's leg push against the bed leg pushing him through the floor and outside where the door opens by itself and he activates another wire.

In Thor's camera, he had woken up by the sound of the the small bomb above. Thor got his hammer only for it to fall out of his hands and onto the floor. He tired to pick it up again but it kept slipping from his grasp.

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