Chapter 36-Amnesia

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1 week later:Steve Rogers POV
  One week. That's how long it's been since Sheba has been with Thanos. I've been healing from the cuts but the fact that Sheba is gone is a wound that won't be healed until she is back with us, with me.

Tony and Bruce have been in the lab tracking for any clue of where freckles could be at and for where the first gem was found. Meanwhile I've been training myself, getting ready to battle Thanos or the Black Order to get my Freckles back.

Natasha and clint have also been training but mostly go out in the city to find any signs of the Black Order or any clues to where the first gem was also found. Thor had come back from Asgard two days after Sheba had left and when he heard of the news he was sadden.

"Guys suit up." Tony said through the ear piece. "There's something falling down to earth and it's coming pretty quick." I jumped off my bed and started to put my Captain America suit along with my shield.

"Where's it heading?" Natasha asked.

"The heart of New York. From the speed and size it could take out a bit potion of the city." I was rushing outside to the Quinjet where Black Widow and Hawkeye were jus boarding.

"Thor, Bruce, Tony meet int he Quinjet." I said and less than 20 seconds Thor was in the Quinjet as well as Ironman and Bruce Banner.

The hanger door closed and we took off. "Tony wheres this thing?" I asked and he was quite for a bit before answering.

"Still in the sky at a good distance. Break Point if you hit it off to where there's not much people the impact won't be as big." With a single nod Thor was outside flying towards the asteroid.

"Do you know what it is Tony?" Bruce asked for the side lines.

"It's too small to be an asteroid but big just not big nought to cause a huge impact. It's no asteroid at all." My first thought were Thanos and the Black Order but neither one have come to earth at all, So what is it?

"I have hit the thing." Thor said and the Quinjet went to the right following where ever this thing was going.

From inside the Quinjet we could all hear a loud crashing noise. In no more than 2 minutes the Quinjet was landing and we all got prepared; me with my shield, Stark with his blasters, Widow with her guns, Barton with his bow, Thor with his hammer and Bruce stayed behind just in case.

The thing had landed in a small grassy area. There was smoking coming out of the crater that was made from the impact. Raising my shield closer to myself, I walked closer and closer tot he thing.

The smoke was starting to clear up and the thing wasn't a thing, it had feathers and those feathers were wings. Those wings were attached to someone. Climbing down the crater I saw red hair and my heart raised a bit.



  "Why would she fall from the sky?" Fury asked us all but none of knew the answer. "Do you have anything on her?"

Clint spoke first. "The only thing we have on Red is she crash landed on earth, had a few cuts and bruises and a nasty scar along her left side. That's all, when she wakes up we'll ask her a few things."

"Fine. Report to me the minute she wake up." Fury left the room but none of us moved, we all started at one another before Natasha spoke.

"Did you guys see what she was wearing?" We nod our heads, I thought back to when I first got a good look at her outfit: her regular jeans, red long sleeve shirt, stomach leather belt, but she had a black cloak that had a hood,and  had a belt where the side had a holder for guns.

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