Chapter 13-Finding

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Cap's POV
  Everything is a mess. Late last night and whole team made a plan to get the gems. It seemed perfect at the time: Clint and Natasha talk to Freckles and convince her to hand over the gems. Then Freckles hands over the gems, the end. That's all what was supposed to happen but now Sheba is gone with a the gems and none of us know where she went.

  Tony told JARVIS to do a whole scan of the tower, while he checks the security footage. Clint and Nat are checking the floors just in case the scans don't find anything. I'm out in the city searching for anything. Banner is talking with S.H.E.I.L.D telling them what had happened.

  "Guys, Nat found a note on Sheba's bed. You might want to come back to the tower." Clint said over the coms and I ran back to the tower.

  My mind was racing on what the note had said. If anything it could be a note from HYDRA saying that they've got Freckles. On the other hand it could be a note from Freckles herself saying that she need to take a walk and that she'll be fine. All these possibilities and in a few short minutes we'll all have an answer onto where Sheba had gone.

  My train of thought was cut off my the sight of Nat, Clint, Bruce, and Tony all on the couch waiting for what the note has to say. They all turned to look at me and I waked over to the couch and sat down while Clint started to read the note.

Dear Avengers,
You all lied to me. You all tricked me into handing you the gems. I had faith and trust in you all but I see that you all don't feel the same about me. I can take care of these gems with or without your help, and it pains me to know that you all never really had faith that I can handle and care for myself. I won't come back to the Tower, maybe in some time I will but for now I need some time off. So don't bother looking for me because I will know when your coming and just teleport away.And ask Thor about our little adventure when he comes back from Asgard.


  Clint looks up at all of us and he seemed sadden. Looking around, everyone seemed either mad or sad. I felt mad at myself because she had trusted us and we didn't trust her, fully.

  "What did she mean by her and Thor's little adventure?" Clint asked,breaking the silence.

  "I was thinking the same thing. Thor's been in Asgard this whole time, there's no way she and Thor could have had an adventure." Natasha just thought about it and so did everyone else or at least it looks like they are.

  "I may help you with that question." Said a loud and familiar voice.

We all turn and see Thor entering the building. Bruce was the first to speaks. "What adventure did you and Sheba have?" Thor walked a bit closer to us all and stopped in the middle of the room.

"Lady Sheba went to Asgard." I looked at him wide eyed. I opened my mouth to say somethings but Thor had continued to speak. "She said she was asleep and that she woke up in Asgard. Lady Sheba had said that nobody could have seen her, she believed that it was a dream. Lady Sif and I were having a conversation about the Infinite Gems before Lady Sheba had come in to me and Lady Sif talking.

"Lady Sif did not know of Sheba so she attacked, her sword would have killed Lady Sheba. Nay, the sword went through the body of Lady Sheba. I told Lady Sif that this was Sheba and so Lady Sif went to shake hands but went through Lady Sheba. We all believed that the Space and Mind Gems together could have sent Lady Sheba to my realm. We do not know why."

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