Chapter 21-Really?

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Sheba's POV
  This time when I came to, my head didn't hurt as much but still hurt. I knew that if my eyes open the lights in the room while hurt my eyes which will hurt my head even more and that's not going to happen with me.

There was someone in the room with me. Concentrating hard with my mind powers, I saw Natasha leaning against the door frame looking at me, watching over me. It was weird how I saw that but didn't question it.

"Nat can you turn down the lights cause I know it's going to hurt my eyes if I open them." There was a noise and then the lights turn off. I open my eyes and sit up on the table, looking at Natasha.

"How'd you know I was there. Your eyes were closed the whole time?"

"I just knew, it felt weird though." She walked towards me and sat on the end of bed.

"How are you so calm?" It just made me confused.

"How am I calm about what?" She raised an eyebrow at me which made me even more confused.

"You don't know do you." I shook my head slowly. "Come with me." She held out a hand which I took and we both walked to the nearest bathroom.

In the bathroom there was a mirror and I saw myself but I had wings. The wings were bent behind my back so they weren't fully viable but they looked angelic like and were of course white. My berthing became quick at the sort of wings, That must have been the pain back in the cave. It made sense, the pain were the wings coming out.

  "But-jus-what?" There were no words at all. I don't even understand why I have freaking wings! I can already turn into a leopard with wings so what's the point of these things.

  "We found you like that back where the Time Gem was. We were all confused but Tony seemed interested." I turn to her.

  "Of course Tony would be interested in my wings." I rolled my eyes and she laughed a bit.

  "We better get back before Tony or Steve freak out when you're gone. I was supposed to tell them when you woke up." She smirked and dragged me back into the lab.

  Already inside was Tony looking at the computer. When the door opened, he looked up and saw me, with a huge smile on his face.

  "Yay your here. Now sit." He commanded and I look at Nat and she just pats my back, or at least tried to since she patted my wings instead, and just left me alone with Tony.

  I sat down on the table while Tony hooked things on me. He seemed really excited about this, and that's what scared me a bit.

  "Why are you so happy?" He turned towards me.

  "Sheba do you not see on your back that you have a pair of wings!? Like before I though you were really cool with the powers of elements and turing into a leopard that had wings but this," He pointed my wings. "This is just... wow." He looked at me once more before going back to the computer.

  I sat there in silence while Tony was doing something that I really didn't pay attention to. Instead I closed my eyes and focused on Steve and what he was doing at this moment. Then my vision went to me standing in the training room where Steve was punching a punching bag.

  This felt an awful lot like what I did both times going to Asgard but this time I was awake and had full control over where I was going.

  He punched the bag and it went flying across the room where there was a pile of punching bags and some sand around it. That made me wonder how long he's been here.

  Spangles went to grab another punching bag until his eyes landed on me. He dropped the punching bag and ran towards me like a child, only to go through me like a ghost.

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