Chapter 8: Waking up to Reality

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Chapter 8: Waking up to Reality

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep. He wasn’t sure where he was. He was barely sure of hwo he was. He wasn’t sure why his bed was so cold or why he was sleeping in snow. He also wasn’t really sure was going in that dream with that pyramid that set things on fire or how Hanna Montnta was involved and why Australia was a safe place from the destruction. But really, he wasn’t sure of much.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the dark room, though there was a small amount of light coming through a door. He got up slowly, however found he couldn’t walk, instead constrained by something chaining his ankles to the wall. “Hello,” he called, however he ddin’t get a response, at least not right away. A few moments later he heard mumbling coming from someone else in the room, who seemed as confused as he did. “Are you awake?” Azaiah asked

“Who is that?” the person, Azaiah now reconized as DJ asked.

“It’s me, Azaiah. Are you chained the wall too?”

“Um, yeah, what happened to us?”

That much Azaiah didn’t know. Sure, he kenw they were being held captive, and he remembered that strange mist, obviously a type of knock out gas. But he didn’t know who they were, didn’t know why, and didn’t know where they were taken. He wondered if he could force the chains holding him to the wall to break then he could save DJ and get the rest of them out of there, but he really didn’t know where the others were. He wondered if whoever did this was after Azaiah in particular, or if he just happened to have been caught up with the mass kidnapping. If it was the latter, they wouldn’t be prepared for his powers and he’d be able to get out of here with ease, but if they knew what he was capable off, they they might be able to find a way to counter what he could do, and with at least one of his friends also being held here, then he knew they could just as easily be used as hostages. And if he did’nt know where they were, then they had him trapped.

“Just stay calm,” Azaiah said.

“What do you mean?”

“We don’t know the situation, we can’t jump to any conclusions or do anything reckless.” Great, now he was sounding like his parents. Oh well, maybe they were right sometimes. It just meant he’d have to take things slow, they never said he shouldn’t use his powers to help others, just that he should be wise with how he did it, and causing a car to start fling was not the wisest way to do it.

“So what should we do?”

“For now, nothing. We’re still alive, and I don’t seem hurt,” Azaiah said, “That means they’re main goal isn’t to harm us.”

“But it’s dark in here, and I always need a nightlight when I sleep. I’m scared.” The trembling in DJ’s voice could have told Azaiah that much. True, there were times when he’d be scared, and this was a situation that caused for a bit of fear, there was so much he didn’t know, so much that he had to take into account before he could do anything. But he refused to let fear control his actions, this was a time where he’d just have to take each step as it came, ane make sure what he did wasn’t done in haste.

“Now that we’re awake, they’ll likely be coming for us soon.”

“Coming for us to do what? I’ve watched movies on prison, and I’m too young for that!”

The fact that they had the technology to block cell phone signals in the area meant that whoever this was had a good amount of technological capability, and taking so many people at once, assuming that Azaiah and DJ weren’t the only ones captured, meant that they’d have more plans than just a petty ransom or torture. Not to say he could trust whoever this way, but Azaiah at least expected them to act logically.

Ignoring DJ for the time being, Azaiah focused on the chains around his ankle. It seemed like some type of steel, meaning it would be hard to break for the average person. It didn’t seem to have a great weak point iehte or somewhere he could punch it. He felt the thick steel around his ankle, it’s cold against his bare skin at least telling him exactly where it was. If he could apply enough force to it, it might end up breaking, though he had to be careful not to harm his ankle as well. No, just shattering the chain wouldn’t be the best way to do it, he’d have to wait for the chance for them to let him out.



“I have to pee.”

Well, this was going to be an interesting time.

“There’s not a bathroom in here, is there?”

“I don’t think there is DJ.

“I really should not have drank all that pop.”

Azaiah hoped he wouldn’t have to be stuck like this for long. Hopefully this would be something that they’d just be in to restrain them in case they tried getting away when they woke up. He hoped too that the others wouldn’t be hurt by this, that whatever this was would be taken by the police quickly, and they’d all be hoem soon, maybe even in tiem to go to school Monday, although he really would have been okay with getting out of school, he’d much rather be in that prison than this one.

He then went back to seeing if he could still have control of his powers. He didn’t know of a way they could be nullified, but if some of those creepy scientists were involved, they might have come up with something. He held his leg up a bit, letting it fall to the ground, hearing the sound of the metal around his ankle hit the floor. He then forcused on the weight of the chain around him, trying to double the weight on it and then did it again, feeling a sounder thud that time.

“What are you doing?” DJ asked.

“Testing something,” Azaiah said, wondering if that was something he could use to his advantage. He felt where the chain went into the wall, the indent an the circle of metal the first link of the chain was attacked to.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

He felt like the voice came from insie his head, causing him to reapidly look around the room. He then brought his hands up this ear and discovered there was a small ear piece then. “We have two of your friends with us. If you try to escape, they will die.”

Azaiah gulped at this revalation. So, they kenw about him, and he was right, they were using his friends as hostages. This was going to take a lot more care than he initially thought. And he couldn’t risk trying to call them out on a bluff. That would mean he’d have to at least make them think he was cooperating with them, though if they were as ready for him as they’d need to be, which he feared, they’d keep a close eye on anything his powers could do.

“Nod if you understand.”

He did.

“Good. Just wait for a bit, we’ll have what we need from you soon, then we’ll let everyone go.”

That made him wonder, what exactly did they need from him, what were they after that they’d need to hold him like that? He wasn’t going to just go against them though, he’d cooperate, until he had a chance to stop them. That was really all he could do.

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