Chapter My Sister thinks it's 15, but I don't know if that's right: Let's go!

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Chapter My Sister thinks it’s 15, but I don’t know if that’s right: Let’s go!

After a healty dose of anime and being bombarded by a few of Fairy Tail’s evil cliffhangesr that made him really want to watch the next episode, however, with that evil cliffhanger at the end of the season and no second season on the way, yeah, he was going to have to go to Japen and go hurt people.

However, it was now late enough for normal people to be awake, as he could tell by the fact his parents were walking by his room. He decided he should not watch comedy anime at this time to avoid bursting out in laughter and trying to avoid, it hink I fail at English again. Yeah, laughing while watching anime is not a good idea when you don’t want to attrach attention to yourself.

Neither is crying, or yelling profanity for the things the evil vilians do. Though if you can get Jackie to cuss at your characters when reading your story, you know you have madea  good villain. Maybe I should just keep him evil,a nd not end up making him good in the end, however, beyond that, wiat wiat, oh, I’m talking about the wrong story.

So yeah, Jacob wondered what he should do now. He got out his phone, and texted his friends to see if they were up yet. After getting a profane remardk from DJ, he decided he should wati to text the otherse. Still, it was boring not doing anyting. Not as boring as the hospital. For a second, he considered trying to convinced his parents that it might be a good for him to go to school, but then he remembered school was school, and that was just not worthwhile. Besides, this could be a good start to a weekend. He was at home, his parents had to go to the base for some type of report. He admittingly was a bit curious as to what was going on with it, but even being who he was a provy to more govermnt secrets than the president, there were some things theyw anted to keep form him, something about being so close to the kdinapping and the battle. But that was okay, he could learn things on his own.

But not yet, now was a cut time to get back in bed with his PSP and enjoy that until his parents left so they couldn’t bug him to come ith them, or see how he was doing, or those other things. He then noticed a tag on his pillow that said that it met the flame requiremments of the state at Calafornia, and that it should not be around open flames. Really, what kind of person would try to put a pillow next to an open frame. Granted, there was tha tidot who sued McDonalds because hot coffee was hot. He didn’t even like math but he knew the reflextive property of math indicated that hot things were hot. Still, he was soon brought back to his video game and the bad guys that always seemed to shoot him at just the right angle to kill him.

He heard the sound of the front door closing, and was pretty sure that meant both of them left. With a look of his clock, he then saw that they left after 9, and it waws more than late enough for them to stop and I forgot where this sentese was going. It was too late for him to bela be able to go to school even if they wanted him to. Yeah, hta’ts close to right.

Seeing this, he went back downstairs where his cat at shome, his cat was on the refrigierator. How he got there, Azaaih didn’t bother himself with, cats did there thing, and as long as they knew how to use the little box, he really didn’dt care about the reset. He felt that he had a couple text messages, one of them trying to sell him a burrito, which made both him and the author hungry, but also a text from Alex. “Something weird is going on with Zack, we’re stryin home from school today.”

“What is it?” Azaiah quickly responded.

“I’m not sure, he is alying in bed, but about every hour he gets up and tries to do jumping jacks and then thinks he can fly.”

Yep, that was weird. He then saw he got a text from his friend Stacie, though it was as if someone had tried typing really quickly and he couldn’t meak any sense of it. It said “R AESR aSErt seet SQee wserset ae tawe tw 43 dw” He wasn’t sure if she was having an episode of rabid fangirl, or if she ended up accednetly sending one that the author could sue ti inflate his wordcoutn.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, my brother tried take my phone.”

“All right.”

Was there a point to this, Azaiah wondered, a random text message from Stacie wasn’t too uncommon, especially if she was having one of those conversations of parodies, illogicalness, and exploves, but did that have anything to do with this great mmystery he was trying to solve.

Speaking of mysteries, dinner was ready completely wrecking the author’s train of thought. However, he was soon brought ouf his funk of trying to figure out what was going on, by the sound of something exploding next to his hsouse. He ran to th window to find out that the house next to his aparemtn had just been blown up. This caused him a few questions, and also a bit of disappointment that he missed the actual explosion. Well, it was more of an imposlion, otherwise chunks of house will have been flying ath is apartment, causing a mess. Which it turned it was the case anyway, as a sofa was thrown by one of the after shocks from the explosiosn into his bed room. He then ran up to the room upon seeing the mess, the hole in the wall, but other than needed his room sweapt bya  shop van and needing a wwall put up, the couch fit perfectly

He was a bit confused by that, but when the universe gives you free furnature, you don’t complain. However, he was wondering why the house next to his was torn down, so he decided to go investigate.

Walking downstairs because flying would raise too many questions, he exited the front door of their aparemtn and went next door, to see the construction crew looking over a few papers, one of which Azaiah could tell was upside down. “So, you’re telling me we got the streen name reversed.”

Azaiah knew what this meant, and wanted to face-palm at this moment. However, he instead wanted to let them figure this out and see their reaction. “And that means we blew up the wrong house.” This was met by several nods from the rest of the demolision crew.

Azaiah really wondered what kind of personi t took to blow up the wrong house, and how many iditos there ahd to be in the chain of command that could allow such a mistake to happen. He was glad that there weren’t ay other peop;le around to se eit, otherwise, he was pretty sure the police would be called. Allthough, wh wyoudl they end up being called unless someone knew something was wrong, he was still glad that no one was inside, and there werne’t any pets or anything else in there to be hurt.

“Wow, we did this twice.”

Wait…what was this, the Forth Wroth Demolition crew?

Azaiah shook his head and went back to his apartment, deciding he might aas well enjoy his new couch. With everything he’d been through so far, he figured that was the last he needed to do. However, before he could make his way back home, he got another text, this time from Zack, “Do you know what clouds taste like?”

They actually tasted pretty good, however it wasn’t’ anything too special. However, this wasn’t the thing Azaiah was really wondering about. Why would Zack ask that? Did he know Zack knew more about him than he thought he did? He never showed Zack that he could fly, though it wouldn’t be a big leap from making the guns levitate to making a person levitate. However, if Zack was trying to fly, then something was seriously wrong, and this could be more proof of it. Hoping he remembered the right way to get there, Azaiah decided to head toward the subways so he could go see what was going on with Zack.

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