Chapter 13: What do you mean the story isn't over yet?

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Chapter 13: What do you mean the story isn’t over yet?

Azaiah thought that all was well, that he’d be able to recover I piece, that he’d get some sleep, do some homework, and that there werent’ any ghost I the hotel after his life. Boy, htat would be bad, he’s just sleeping one night, and bam, a ghost kills him. Wouldn’t really make for a good story though, Imean if the main character dies, that’s okay, but ith as to be in a good way, and not like how a certain charater with only on letter in his name died in a certain naime when al semed to be good. I really can’t spell at all this chapter, ow can I, yeah, I give up.

So, there Azaiah was, at the time o 3am he was sleeping, like most people do, except or a few animme obsessed teenagers. However, the room started shaking, and this quickly woke him up. ‘An earthquake?’ he thought to himself, so he got up, pulling that IV machine thing with him. As he started walking forward, he felt the breeze going through the back of his hospital gown, and really wished he’d asked his dad for something to wear under it. But as the shaking started to end, he wondered what had caused it. He wasn’t ready to just dismiss it as just a normal earthquake in the midst of winter. Afterall, he knew the story was still going, and from what he kenw of plot and story, this could be a great inciting incident to kick of a new arc. He kidn of ished he could have healed more, but well, some people don’t’ always get what they want.

He steppd outside of his room, looking for any nurses or at least someone who was responding to the earth quake. He caught the eye of the person at the nurse’s desk down the hallway and waved to her with his broken arm, or at least as much of a wave as he could do. She was able to pick up the message though and walked down the hallway to him. “Is something wrong?” she asked.

“Was that an earthquake just now?” She looked at him confused.

“An earthquake?”

Azaiah nodded, “yeah, I felt something shaking, like an earthquake. You didn’t feel it?”

“No, were you in bed when it happened?”

“I was, at least at first, but after I got up to see what was going on, the room was still shaking.”

“No, I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about that happening. Maybe that was just your imaignaton or a dream.”

“That seemed to make sense, it was possible he was just letting his imagination go wild, so much time in ta hpsotiltal could do that to a guy, and he was pretty sure he’d have enough hospital food for a lifetime, so maybe that was messing him up to. “I guess that could be it.”

He wasn’t content with that answer though, there was something more going on, and the fact hait it felt like a real earthquake, and no one else felt it, told him that something had to be going on. He thought for a moment that he was writght, this could just be his imagination, but that caouldn’t have been it. He’dnever had halliucaiotns beore like that, so what would cause them tos tar tnow?

Still, he ent back toh is room and tired going tback to sleep, though the hospital beds made any type of sleep quite hard. His mind too busy to sleep, he reached for his phone, unlocking it and started to read through a couple text messages he had. He had one fro Yuam that said “They said they can take the stiches out next week.”

“Thjat’s awesome, are you in much pain?”

“A bit, but tha tviciden is good stuff.”

“How much longer are you gonna be on th hospital?” Yuan than asked.

“A couple days I hope. Though they think I’m crazy, jut told them I felt an earthquake but they didn’t.”

“You felt it too then?”

That made Azaiah’s eyes widen. He was pretty sure that there was something going on, if someone on the other side of the city felt it but no one real close to him did.

“My sister said it was dream or the dog bumping my bed. Not bying it tho.”

Azaiah then went through his contacts and texted DJ, Alex and Zack, to see what they felt. However, to his surprise all of them said the same, despite being in different parts of Brooklyn. While it was true that Alex and Zack lived together, no one else io his friends’ families felt anything from it.

There was something more going on with Cicada, more than just wanting to study Azaiah. They had done something to his friends, and he wasn’t going to take too kindly to them just trying to gather more data. He had no idea of Noah was the one behind this part of it, and even if he was, his memory was gone. That could make ti even harder to get to the bottom of.

“Tell me if anything else weird happens,” he sent out the mass text to all those who had been kidnapped with him. He was glad they had their phones back, and that his dad had phone all of their stuff together so they could get it back. He was still a bit creeped out that those scientists, whoever they were had stripped and redressed him and all his friends, but that really wasn’t at the top of the list of the things he hated them for.

“Something else did happen,” Stevie now “I’m allergic to applles now.”

“What the heck?” Azaiah said outloud. This wasn’t normal, he’d never heard of an apple allergy. He decided to ask google if it was possible to e allergic to apples, which it turned out it was, but it was rare for people to gain allergies when they grew up, much more liley for them to go away. “Keep me posted if anything else happens,” he then responded. He laided down, looking at the ceiling, and knowing that perhaps this adventure was just beginning.

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