Chapter 19: Seasons Come and Go

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Chapter 19: Seasons Come and Go

“So where are you two going?” the large guard said, focusing so much on the door that he really paid no attention tot eh all out brown going on about 50 feet from him. But the school had to have their priorties right, no noe went in or out of the school without permission, documentations, and a seal of approval from the principle.

“Just outi to my car, need to carry in a TV for the my next class,” Alex said handing the guard a piece of paper.

“And what about you?” the guard asked Azaiah.

“He’s with me, it’s pretty big so we need two of us to carry it.”

He needs a pass too,” the guard said.

“Come on,” Alex said, “Do you really want a second pass when we’re going together. Besides, this is for Miss Mort, and do you really want to get one of her lectures. I only volunteered for this so I could get out of class, so I don’t mind of this takes a while, but if she wonders what took so long I’ll be forced to tell her the truth. Do you want that to be the truth Mr Cleeman, that you were the one who made it take so long so that we didn’t have time to finish the video on Egypt and that’s what threw all of her plans off. Because I don’t mind, it own’t be my fault, but I’d father be placed in an iron maiden and have diariah for 49 hours that get one of those lectures.”

“Um um um, yes, you can go, sorry about that, please hurry.”

“Thank you,” Alex said.

Azaiah was really grateful that he had Alex with him, that was one of the best lies that he’d heard in a long time. He’d have to try that one on his parents somtime. However, he was pretty sure he couldn’t pull it off as well as Alex. Still, he couldn’t think about hta tlong, once they got to the parking lot, they took a quick look around, hiding in the middle of a couple cars.

“Anyone coming?” Azaiah asked.

“Nope, no one out here.”

Combeining both his ablity to manipulate time and gravity, Azaiah held on to Alex’s wrist and the two of them burst into the sky, being amount the clouds in a matter of less than a second.

“This is really cool,” Alex said, using the hand that Azaiah wasn’t gripping into to latch onto Azaiah’ wrist to make that he didn’t fall.

“You know you don’t have to hold on to me,” Azaiah said as they started flying toward central park.

“Okay, I’m still a bit scared.” Azaiah really couldn’t blame him, and that gave him some idea to do some flips in the air or other fun tricks, but that would have to wait for some other time “Though if you want to fly me around some other time, that would be fine by me so I can get more used to it.”

He really wanted to have a friend he could share this with, though knew for sure his parents would be pissed at him if he did, he’d probably get in trouble for flying Alex around and giving out so many of his secrets to his friends.

No matter what though, Azaiah knew this had to be ended, before anyone else got hurt. He kenw Hon well enough to know that he wouldn’t pick a fight that he didn’t think he could win, and he saw last time how powerful Azaiah could be. As for Alex, he wanted to leave him out of it, drop him off somewhere close to the battle, but he thought that Alex’s power could come in handy, it Azaiah as hurt, a slap could rewind his mind and body by an hour. However, he wondered if that could even work in the middle of a battle, Alex wasn’t used to fighting. Though he thought that by sealing Alex in a time lock, one that would speed him up to see the world in a slowed down view oculd help protect him, the opposite of what he did to Yuan to slow down his injuries. That might not do much, but it could at least make it so Alex could get out of there as long as the time lock held.

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