Chapter 12: Recovery

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Chapter 12; Recovery

If there was one thing he wished he could have in common with the super heroes of the comic books it was how they could take a beating, and a hour be perfectly back to normal. However, the fact that it’d been three days since he’d been admitted tot eh hospital with a calapased lungs, a broken arm, and a ew other injuries, he guessed it would be awhile till he got out of here. Though he was glad for the week off of school, he really wished his mom didn’t find it neciarry to bring him his homework every day, he would have been much happier if he could have just skilled that all. Afterall, he was a hero, someone who saved peole’s lives, and what ws his reward for it? Algegbra. Something worse than the greatest villians could come up with. But it gave him something to keep him occupied, considering they didn’t let him bring his laptopl I here and the hospital had 3 channels on their TV, neither of which had anything worth watching on them.

“How are you doing Azaiah?” he dad asked coming into the room.

“The pain’s not as bad as it was.” He knew that didn’t always mean much, his arm was still in a cast, and they had been pumping pain pills into him to help with his lung, so that was just evidence the drugs were working.

“I told the scientists we’re done with their expriments.” Seth looked down at his son. “I’m so sorry for everything they put you through.”

He smiled a bit, glad that those were over. He knew in many cases their intentions were good, and that his dad never knew how much he disliked them. There were times where he was glad to have been able to help, but others just seemed excessive. He knew he wasn’t the only one who had been through things like that, and hoped they’d learn to tone in back even if the subjects were fascinating. “that’s okay. What happened to Hon anyway?”

“Your mom had fun with him,” Seth said with a deep laugh. “He now things he’s a construction worker and has no memory of anything that happened. We couldn’t bring him in or trial because of the classified nature of everything, but that will keep him from harming anyone else.”

That was another good sign. He’d heard that Yuan was out of the hospital the day beore too, so that meant that everyone had a relivily happy ending. He hadn’t heard the ofifical police report on the kidnappings, though he heard them were saying they were being held ransom by a drug cartel. That would satisfy most people, though there were still a lot of questions that people could ask. Azaiah sometimes wondered what would happen if everyone knew the truth. He’d remembered the movie Men in Black, how that’s what Will Smith’s character ended up doing at the beginning, but that how a state of blissfull ignorance ended up saving them, stopping people from panicing. The people didn’t need to know about the danger the future held, they had the trust in the military that things would end up okay, that they’d be safe, and while they might not know all the truth, they were able to continue their daily living just the same.

A doctor came into the room to look Azaiah over, placing the cuff over his non broken arm for the blood preasure reading. “We have been looking over the place though, your mother and I,” Seth said casually. “Found something of yours too. Reaching into his pocket, Seth pulled out an iphone and tossed it ot Azaiah.

“Aweosme!”  he shouted, and the doctor nocied it blood preassure changed quite a bit form that. This earned him a glare rom the doctor. “Sorry,” Azaiah said.

He knew it would be a few more days unti he got out of the hospital, but htat would make things at least a little bit better until then. “Hey Dad,” Azaiah started.

“I’ll bring you the charger next time I come.”

Sometimes his life seemed normal, worrying about if his phone was going to last through the day after a really boring first period class when he needed the internet to stay awake. Then there were times where he wondered if someone he knew would die by the end of the day. Sometimes life was normal, sometimes it was an adventure. He was a kid, a hero, a student, a friend, and none of them meant any of the otehres were any less true. And despite the fact he couldn’t really move his arm, he had his phone, he kenw his body would recover. Life was good.

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