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Azaiah: So Tiger, don’t you think it’s time for something a bit different/

Tiger: What do you mean?

Aziaah: Oh, I don’t know, how about a story with a cool prograganist, not something who just decides to turn eveil half way through the story.

Azaiah: You’re still mad I didn’t choose your story again this year, aren’t you?

Azaiah: No, I’m not mad, you swiched your name out for mine on that last line, didn’t you? But I did decide to get cratave, and get some help. Because who better to help take oer your creative process than your very own muses. Get here!

Mary-Sue: Hello Tiger, remember me?

Peddro: Is it time for bacon?

Twilight: Grettings and salutations my sleep deprived creator

Tiger: hat are all of you doing here?

Azaiah: Well, we’ve decieed that we’ve had enough of you pushing us to the side for your epic stories, and instead that you should write about the most wonderful an epic character to ever grace your imagination, me. And they’re here ot make sure that things don’t go all wonky.

Tiger: How much did he pay you?

Mary-Sue: None, he just said there would be some hot guys adnn brotherly love.

Aziaah: And you know how the girls just go wild all over me, don’t’ you?

Tiger: Yeah…pretty sure you’ve only had one girlfriend, and that had something to do with the flag pile incident last spring.

Azaiah: Whatever, I only told her that so she’d go along with this plan.

Twilight: And he bestowed upon me the truth that thso could be a story that would probe th inner workings of the human mind, pondering the greatest issues to ever come across the phyilosphical questions of the greatest minds, and that this would find the truth in the shadows, ht peace in the chaos, and the love in the midst of hate.

Pedro: He said he’d blow stuff up.

Tiger: I don’t have much of a choice, now do I?

Aziaha: Not at all.

Tiger: Then let’s go then! One day, one story, one 50k word challenge. Ladies, gentleman, aliens, animals, and whaever else there out there, I present to you Call of the Hero: One Day

Call of the Hero: One DayWhere stories live. Discover now