Chapter 46

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Mark unlocks the door allowing the girl to walk in first. Inside unlike BamBam's place had a dining room to her right while to her left revealed the boys reading room.

Shelves and shelves of books covered the wall as there were arranged by color.

She turned back to look at Mark when she hears the door close.

"Give me the necklace" she takes it out of her pocket and hands it to him.

Watching him fumble around with it she questions him, "What are you going to do with it?"

He doesn't look up at her, "Hack into the tracking device"

Seungwan stared at him before laughing, "Are even a hac-"

"Who do you think was the one who created this in the first place?" Mark cuts her as he stares up to glare at her.

She stares at him confused but seconds later her eyes widened, "You made that?!"

He smirks not answering her before walking pass her and up the stairs, "Turn your phone off until I'm done with this. And there's food in the refrigerator"

she watches as he slowly disappears upstairs.

Seokjin's POV

"Taehyung!" I rush in to the station.

From his desk he stares up at me before motioning for me to come.

I take a seat infront of him, "What brings you here hyung?" He turns to look at me and smiles.

"SEUNGWAN IS MISSING!!" I exclaim trying not to be too loud.

He laughs before taking out some folders, "Hyung I know you haven't seen noona in 7 years but just because she's out running errands doesn-"

"No you imbecile! She's gone! She's been missing since yesterday!"

He places his folder down. "Did you call her?"

I nod, "She didn't answer, it says her phone is off! And I called all her friends and none of them no where she is"

This time he frowns as he leans back on the chair. "So what do you want me to do?"

I stare at him, "You're a police officer Taehyung....of course I want you to find her!"

Taehyung sighs as he looks down rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry Hyung but I still have to help Jungkook with his case"

I looked at him, "What's his case?"

"Yerim is still alive..."

Yerim's POV

I opened my eyes  and look up at the ceiling....where was I ?

Sitting up I looked around the unfamiliar room. It was a simple room with the walls coated in the color of a baby blue.

"Ah your up?" I look at the door as an old lady walked in. She closes the door behind her and walks over to me.

Afraid I scoot away and bring the blanket up to my face. "How are you feeling?" She asks as she  places the cup of water on the table.

"Fine....who are you?"

She smiled sweetly after dusting off her shirt, "I work in this house. My master found you yesterday in the woods and brought you here"

I look around the room once again. Seconds later my stomach growls as I clutch it.

The lady chuckles as she places her hands on her hips, "Come on! I'll fix something up for you!"

Nodding I got out of bed and follow her out the room.

Exiting the room I gasp at the house. It was as big as our mansion. But with less maids and servants.

"Master and his friends have gone out for a jog but they'll be back in a bit" the lady explained as we enter the kitchen.

She pulls out a chair for me and I thank her before taking a seat. "What would you like honey?"

She ties her hair up into a bun and places on an apron.

"Anything is fine" I replied not trying to be rude. I continue clutching my stomach as it doesn't stop growling.

I look down at the bracelet. How is Seungwan unnie? Did they find her?!

I took a breath and shook my head,

'No if they had found her they would be coming after me by now'

I just hope she's okay though...

"Here. I haven't made pajeon in awhile so it might taste a bit weird"

She placed the plate infront of me.

I smiled happily before grabbing the chopsticks. Placing one piece in my mouth I closed my eyes and savior all the flavors.

"How is it?" She asks cleaning off her hands.

I smiled brightly and put up two thumbs while chewing the food. Laughing she places the napkin in the trash can and takes a seat next to me.

She grabs a piece and pops it into her mouth before chewing away.

"Looks like I've still got it" she chimes making us both chuckle.

I continue eating as she watches me eat.

I think this would be my 19th piece. I'm so full.

Placing my chopsticks down I pat my stomach and lean back in the chair.

"Thank you for a good meal" I said while closing my eyes trying to clam down my bursting stomach.

I hear her laugh abit. "I'm glad you liked it"

"AHJUMMA!" We heard from the front door.

Immediately she stands up and walks out of the kitchen.

"Yes Hun?"


"Can you make me and Hyung some breakfast?" His voice was soft and manly....

Seconds later she walks back in and grabs the plate of pajeon placing it into my hands.

"Give this to him as a thank you gift" she suggested before winking.

Before I could protest I was already outside of the kitchen and walking towards where they sat.

Two males sat on the couch facing away from me as the two stayed on their phone.

"Ehhem" I coughed and the two stopped what they were doing to look at me.

They both stand up, "Uhm....thank you for saving me" I hand over the plate to the one with pitch black hair.

Turning my attention to the other guy my eyes widened as his did too.

"Yerim ah!"


A short chapter you guys. So I'm trying to lose weight since I've gained so much lmao. But you know it seems like whenever I decide to go on a diet my parents want to go grocery shopping and buy all those good stuff . 🙃🙃🙃 but I'm going to try my best not to get lured in. Pray for me 😭😭😂 anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember that I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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