Chapter 3 - Battle of the elements

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Hi, I'm back again.
Here you go.

I yawned.
Yesterday was tiring; we were shouting so much that I have a headache now.

I heard the shower running in the room next door guessing it was Erza I looked across the room. Everyone seemed so tired.
Mira was sleeping peacefully, Maria was laying half off the bed like she usually is, and Erza, as I guessed, was in the shower. I looked at the bed next to me that Skylar slept in but I didn't see her. I got out of bed and had a look around until I found her on the balcony.

"Hey" I say casually, walking up behind her

She looked around and smiled at me.
"I was wondering what were going to do after this..."

"That's a funny thought, what about?" I said

"Well, will we get a guild house? Become official? You know, all that?" she said looking off to the streets below.

I flicked my hand as gold sparks flew out.
"I'm not sure Skylar, I'm not sure." 
We hear Mira shout from inside
"Hurry up you two! We're getting breakfast!"
"'Kay!" I shout back. "You coming Sky?" I ask gently. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there in a minute". he replies, staring down the balcony.

I walk inside and start looking though my site case. Clothes, clothes, and clothes.
I pick out a pair of skinny jeans and a black jersey.
I brush the tangled mess I call my hair. Leaving my hair down as I grab my bag and chuck what I need in it. I grab my black combat boots from the door and get ready to go.

Everyone else finishes getting ready and we walk out of the hotel.

On the way I spot so many colourful flowers it's kinda ridiculous

"These flowers are sooo pretty" Mira says.
I nod in approval, they truly were pretty. I thought about getting some but I decided not to. We didn't have a place to go back to... yet

I stretched my arms out. "Looks like almost time to get to the Colosseum." I say. 'Yeah probably' Mira replies, bummed we can't look at flowers anymore.

All five of us walk back to the hotel and drop off our stuff. We end up flying to the Colosseum.

"TODAY WE ARE HAVING AN ALL BATTLE DAY!" The commentator says.

"Coooolllll!!!" Skylar shouts as we enter the Colosseum.

The guards escort us to our seats.


"Maria! You're battling Gray!" Skylar squealed. "Careful, I heard he's a lot stronger now" Erza says with her voice low. I nod.

"MAY OUR FIRST BATTLE COMMENCE!" The commentator shouts.

Maria's P.O.V

I walk on calmly, then Gray does the same.

Gray makes the first move. Going straight for me. I knew he would do that. So predictable.

"FIRE-ICE SWORD!" I shout as my weapon appears in my hand. I jump over him cutting his arm a little.

He looks at me in surprise.

"Well then..." he said slowly. "Didn't think YOU were the double element dragon slayers... "

"Heh" I say with a cold smile "Time to fall!"

I charge forward but he dodged aside.
"Ice glacier!" He shouts. "Crap" I mutter
The giant ice glacier had picked me up and there was no way of getting down, plus flying was banned in the arena so I couldn't do that. But I was sure that he was weakened by that spell.
"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" I shout as the ice starts to melt.
I jumped off the glacier as it plummets.
When I landed I felt a bone snap on my foot. "Shit..." I say fiercely to myself.

Gray starts charging at me again.
"I thought I wouldn't have to do this..."

Blue and red energy surrounds me making gray fall back.
"OH LORD OF FIRE AND ICE" My voice echoed
I could see people in the stadium were frightened.
I fell to the ground barely able to walk. But gray was in it worse. He was lying on the ground looking almost dead.

After a long silence the commentator shouts, "MARIA HAS WON!"
Loud cheers emit from the spectators as I see my friends giving a combination of jumps and fist pumps. "Just another victory for Maria" I say.

~Chapter 3 End~

And GOODBYE! 👋 Yay me...
Another hour of my life WASTED. Well If you like it then I guess it was for good use \(✧◡✧)/

Bai bai!


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