Chapter 8 - The Final Showdown

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Judys P.O.V.

I couldn't help but wonder what the dragons would do to me. To the town. To my friends... I heard silence all around. In the dragon realm, they avoid me. I'm considered dangerous. Usually. I wouldn't help people like this, but since my guild mates are tangled up in this mess, I had to. What will they do if the- that very moment I hear the sound of many dragons wing get closer and closer each flap mimicking the other.

"What do you want Celeste?" I heard a booming voice say and I opened my eyes.

"You need to stop..." I say harsh but slowly. All of the dragons were around me, different shapes, forms, and colours, but one stood out, The dragon king. Which lucky for lil ol' Judy, was the one talking to me.

"You're hurting these innocent people Dragon King" I shout without thinking

"Why should I care Celeste? Why should you care?" He smirked.

Was it my friends? Was it the people? I really didn't know, I wasn't the best at that exact subject.
I felt a presence walk behind me and I got a strange feeling. I looked at the dragon king who stared behind me in utter shock. I turn around and saw one of the people I least expected to see.

"You..." I mutter

"Why of course, it is me..." the glowing figure said, emerging with a smirk.
"My oh my, Dragon King. Pleasure to see you..." she said forcefully, but somehow also daintily.
The dragon king stood forward looming over me and the person. I didn't back down.
"We can go the easy route... or the hard one, your choice..." the figure said.
I heard people running up, I turned around and saw my guild. I ran over to them and we all looked at the glowing person standing up against the dragons.
"It can't be..?!" Maria shouted. "Why??!!" Skylar said after Maria. I looked down at the ground. "It's definitely her..."

We all looked back at her.
"I choose hard!" The dragon king shouted and knocked her aside.
Purple aura stood out from her and she charged at him knocking him aside back. "Well, are you gonna fight? Or are you gonna stand around dumbfounded like a bunch of goons?" She grinned as she looked at us. I smirked and charged forward. "I think you know the answer to that" I say tauntingly. After a breath of air I think, for a moment. What I stand for, Who I am; and I shout... "Celestial fire dragon roar!"

3rd person:

Judy grew her golden wings out, Skylar and Maria followed, flying though the dragons. Erza changed her armour and wielded her blade, and ran quickly towards them, to the naked eye, it looks like she just gently tapped her sword on 2 dragons, but somehow she caused them both to fall to the ground in scars. Mira formed into Satan's soul Sitiri form and started shooting fire at the dragons. Then ramming into them, knocking them down due to the intense speed and strength. The two fighters continue to smash down dragons, sometimes dozens at a time, until the rest were either courageous idiots who stayed or were the ones that had retreated.

Judy stood about 80 meters away from the mystery character with Skylar by her side. Neither of them- in fact, no one knew what kind of fighter she was, other than the glimpse of her using star-like magic earlier, and that she was very brisk and skilled. "If we figure out who she is, and what her spells are, then we'll have the upper hand, right?" Skylar asked, "I think she beat us to that" I say despairingly. "Gah! Stop being such a downer, It's so easy! Watch, I'll find out whether she's the kind her dodges fast, or attacks back immediately right now!" She says confidently. "CELESTIAL DRAGON ROAR!" Skylar shouts loudly, the intense gust blows a large amount of dust around so you could barely see anything. "Stand your ground, she could be anywhere" Judy says looking in every place her eyes can see. Skylar begins her brag, "See? What did I tell ya? Piece of c-" But before she can finish, the dust clears, and she stares straight forward. "J-Judy?" Is all she can manage, "What? Do you see her?" Judy asked, still looking everywhere she can think she'd be hiding. "Y-Yeah" She replies, as she tugs on her arm and points forward. Now Judy sees it too, her, standing exactly where she was before.

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