Chapter 5 - That name is not to be spoken of

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I look down at the ground while stepping into the arena. I flick my hand and a cape draped over me. Guildarts looked at me with curiosity and then anger. I sighed, closed my eyes and smirked.

"START!" The commentator shouted out.
We both stood still. Not moving. Till I felt the ground move and start to break. "Idiot... saw that coming a mile away." I said as I jumped. "Don't underestimate me Celeste..."

"You know?" I said calmly though I was worried inside.
"Most of us know Judy." He said. "Then it'll make this interesting..." I said and moved forward...

Guildarts P.O.V

I knew see was powerful and she was going to be an extremely hard opponent, but Natsu told me something interesting that I wouldn't forget.

 The name Celeste.

 It is her dragon name when visiting a place called the dragon world. Apparently she doesn't like being called it and calling her it in the wizard world hurts her. But I know the name meant something a little more than a dragon name.

She looked at me. Guessing what I was doing next.
"EARTHBOUND!" I shout as the earth around her fell and caught her. "You seem a bit slow Guildarts." she says as I felt her appear behind me. "Bad idea..." she touched me and I froze. "Time stop" she says. "Easy spell that even the great Guildarts can't escape." She smiled and her celestial sword appeared. I was in some deep shit... I moved my eyes to look over at Natsu who looked in shock...
She took out some golden keys that looked oddly familiar... "LUCY'S KEYS!" I shouted and the spell shattered. She looked at me curiously then said. "Open! Gate of the RAM!"
It was Aries. No. Not Aries. Sommething else... A dark shadow loomed over her and her eyes glowed gold. Only the wizard- Wait! Celeste! I knew that name somewhere. "You're the queen of -" I was cut off by a silencer spell.
"THAT NAME IS NOT TO BE SPOKEN OF" I hear her echoed voice run though the stadium. "ERASE!" And I fell to the ground passed out

~Chapter 5 End~

Sorry about the small ass chapter... again... (¬﹏¬) New one out soon!

Bai bai

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