Bonus Chapter - Popcorn

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I'm to lazy to write a real next chapter, so you can have this in the wait!

"GET BACK HERE ASSHOLE!" Judy shouted as Skylar ran off with the keys to the hotel room.

"Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha" she laughed and ran.


Judy teleported in front of Skylar and snatched the keys off her "yoink!"


Judy and Skylar flew back to the hotel. It wasn't a bad hotel. But the floors were creaky. And the bathroom stank of booze.

They approached the door to the hotel room and from inside they heard shouts and "WHO SPILLED MY POPCORN???!!!"

"I knew I shouldn't left them alone..." I opened the door and shouted "SHUT IT!"
Everyone looked over to me
"I cannot leave you guys alone without Erza screaming and Maria breaking a window!"
I face palm. God damn it guys...

~Bonus Chapter End~

Yay and hooray for short chapters!

PS. I have a problem so don't ask me about that smexy picture XD



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