14 - A glass of water

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ˆ  Trystan ˆ

I pulled up right behind a yellow VW Beetle parked on the side of the street in front of the address I had for Debra. I studied the quiet neighborhood, scanning dark corners for suspicious behavior before I stepped out of my car. Except for the occasional crickets singing in the bushes, all was still and most of the houses had their curtains drawn with the lights off.

I straightened my leather jacket and glanced at my watch as I walked across the lawn to Debra's apartment number. I climbed the steps and knocked gently on the door instead of using the doorbell, not wanting to frighten her in case she had fallen asleep. Pots of flowers decorated the porch, their scents calming to my senses. I was wired tight and it had everything to do with my mission tomorrow.

At least that's what I told myself.

Bringing Anthony's son back home was the biggest task I had taken on ever since I made the decision to do private investigation work with a focus on missing persons. So it was a big deal to me, especially because I considered Anthony family and his little boy was like a son to me.

However the kind of tightness I was feeling around my neck and shoulders was not the usual pre-mission jitters. This was woman related and had everything to do with the curly haired beauty behind that door. After tonight, I was convinced that she was the woman for me and I needed her to see that too.

I needed her to open her window just a little so I could sail in like a warm summer breeze and soon to be category five hurricane. I would tease her first by whispering along her ear while I played with her hair, and before she could blink, I would have her skirt whipping in the wind and then I would trap her in the eye of hurricane Trystan. And I'll be damned if she didn't love every moment of it.

She was apprehensive about getting into a relationship right now, and I understood why and I wanted to give her the time and space that she deserved, but I couldn't seem to shake her once I'd aimed my sniper gun at her. Once I aimed, it was to fucking shoot. And I never missed.

The door opened and light came spilling  out onto to the porch. There she stood, woman of my dreams, wearing the sexiest pajamas I'd ever seen. Her long legs were bared to my approval and her curly hair hung loose around her face like a soft cloud of sheep's wool.

I licked my lips because my throat had suddenly gone dry. She mimicked the action of my tongue, hers darting out to wet her lips as well. Heat rose off my skin and the tight feeling around my neck and shoulder dissipated a little as it moved on to my abdomen en groin area.

"You look lovely," I said.

She smiled, her brown eyes crinkling genuinely. "Thank you. I didn't know if you would show up, it being so late and all."

"I told you I would be here in three hours and I am."

"That you are. My car is parked right there." She gestured at the Beetle behind me, her car keys in her hand. "Do you need anything in particular?" Her voice was soft and sweet, and just a little raspy.

Her. I needed her. The tight feeling in my lower abdominal area intensified and I had to stop myself from telling her what I really needed from her. Her lips crushed against mine, our breaths intermingling, her supple body pressed nice and tight against my hard one. I wanted her to ride my leg with her jeans on while I suckled her on breasts, her breathy moans driving me insane.



"Do you need anything?"

"No, I have a toolbox in my car. You could join me if you wanted to. We could talk." Smooth, Trystan. Really smooth. I had no game. I'd been out of the game for a while now and it was starting to show.

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