11 - Coconut and Strawberries

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≈ Trystan ≈

I found her sitting on a brick wall, her feet elegantly hanging to the side, her head turned toward the sky. Behind her the moon was like a giant diamond in the sky, its beams reaching out to bathe her golden skin with serenity. I stood back in the shadows and studied the angle of her jaw and the rounded end of her nose. Her lashes lowered and then lifted and I was forced to acknowledge how beautiful she was.

I adjusted my tie and then took long strides along the bed of flowers separating me from her. I couldn't be away from her for another minute. Trying not to overthink things, I stopped in front of her. At my approach, she turned her entire body to face me.

She smiled and my gaze zeroed in on her full lips. On instinct I gently nudged her legs apart and inserted myself in the junction between her thighs, forcing her dress up toward her hips. I heard a light protest and I hesitated, my hand lingering on her exposed thigh.

I wanted her so bad it was hard to think straight. I looked her in the eyes and my mouth slowly descended upon hers, going in for what I wanted. Her lips trembled beneath mine, sending erotic chills down my spine. I pulled back, giving her a chance to tell me no even though it was the last thing I wanted to hear come out of her lovely lips.

She sighed so quietly that I almost missed it. With heavy, sensual eyes, she glanced up at me and I saw my need reflected right there in the deep brown of her irises. My God, I didn't need words. This right here was all the confirmation I needed.

For the second time, I lowered my head and our lips touched. Kissing Debra was like nothing I'd ever done before. I was excited to explore every delicious corner of her mouth, but I held myself back and only allowed myself to cup her jaw as I sought out the seam of her lips with my tongue.

Her lips parted, although reluctantly, and then her timid tongue met mine. There was a roar in my head that I couldn't place. My heartbeat accelerated with every tantalizing stroke of her tongue and it felt like the ground had given way beneath my feet. Blood went pooling in my nether region and my body stirred to life, growing and lengthening.

A soft moan escaped her seductive mouth and I let the sound of it wash over me. I pressed closer to her, needing to hear her again, my hand moving downward toward her neck and staying there. My other hand slowly crept up her inner thigh until my fingers were grazing the fine material of her dress.

I wanted to consume her, to become one with her. It had been too damn long since I'd had the pleasure of being this close to a woman, and Debra wasn't just any woman. I was fiercely attracted to her, yes, but I was hoping there would be more to us than just the physical. I wanted to have the pleasure of enjoying her body because she was mine, and mine alone.

Her fingers scraped along my scalp and I shuddered with unexplainable pleasure. I couldn't get enough of her sweet mouth. Her taste was addicting. She tasted like a fantasy. Like coconut and strawberries.

The longer I kissed her, the harder it was to stop. Needing more, because I had a big appetite, I reached up behind her head and released the band in her hair so that her curls were once again free. The scent of her shampoo invaded my soul as I worked my fingers through the tresses before grabbing on and slightly yanking her head backwards to better accommodate my needs. I groaned and she protested, pulling away from me.

"Trystan," she said, bringing her fingers up to touch her swollen lips. The whisper of my name on her lips was catalytic, causing my heart to implode in my chest.

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