37 - I love you

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This chapter is dedicated to @Stellabonita
Happy Birthday!

˚˚ Alvarez ˚˚

Marisol had the most beautiful pussy I'd ever seen. It was every man's dream. It was my reason to wake up in the morning and my peace at night. She had a fat gorgeous clit and I loved the way it would peek out between her pussy lips, teasing me, begging me to suck it into my mouth.

"Tell me you'll never fucking leave me," I said, rubbing two fingers over the sensitive nub as I glanced up at her face.

She bit down on her lip and her eyes rolled back behind her head. Her hips bucked and her movements were jerky as she pressed her wet pussy against my fingers.

"Tell me you'll never fucking leave," I repeated, my voice gruff and clear. "Tell me." 

I slid both fingers inside her, aiming for her g-spot. My fingers were instantly covered with her juices and I relished the feel of her tightness. I kept my eyes on her face, studying her parted full lips. She was just beautiful when she was about to come. I knew I had her. She was mine. I never had anything to call my own before this.

She arched her back, her hands shooting out to grip the sheets as her head fell back against the pillow. "I'm not going anywhere," she moaned.

That was four damn weeks ago.

I'd fucked her senseless that morning, alternating between ramming my cock inside of her hard and fast, and then slow, sensual long strokes that her screaming my name like a mantra.

The night before I'd beaten her for lying to me. I'd gone out to get cigarettes and had stumbled upon a man with a binocular watching her and her son. She'd claimed not to know anything about him or the woman he was with. But I needed a name because the fucker had knocked me out cold on the grass and that shit had me pissed off.

After I knocked Marisol around a bit, she finally give me a name.

Trystan Debney.

Said she knew he'd come looking for her while her husband was still away on deployment, and that she'd stayed too long in one place and would be leaving soon. She should have known better. There was no leaving me.

I made love to her bright and early the next morning, not giving a flying fuck that she was still sore and bruised. Hearing her husky moans combined with an occasional 'ow' here and there was such a turn on. I was a sick fuck and we both knew it.

That same morning, I left for ten minutes to get a motorcycle part, only to return and find her gone. The neighbors said they'd seen her leave with a man. Anger coursed through me and I wrecked the entire house, breaking mirrors and slashing furniture. Which I regretted after because my bitch hadn't been around to clean up the mess.

I spent a week gathering information on Trystan Debney, because I knew Marisol wouldn't go back to her husband and I didn't know where she was.

Debney was a threat on paper. His resume was extensive, and he was most known as a sniper and an army vehicle mechanic, including helicopters. His deployment had lasted four years. A roadside bomb had burnt him to a crisp and he'd lost his lower leg, crippling him, forcing him to retire.

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