Bonus Chapter I

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1,5 year later

Patrick's Bar Vin was cozy, the brown wooden interior drawing me in where I sat down next to Trystan while sipping on a nojito, sister to the mojito but minus the rum. I honestly didn't taste the difference as the fresh and forward taste of lime and mint flirted with my tastebuds. 

Trystan's hand crept up my thigh as he nodded at something Bruce said, sending a flurry of delicious tingles up and down my spine. I played absentmindedly with the wedding band on his ring finger, liking how the cool metal felt under my fingertips.

I could watch him all day and never get tired. His hair was short again and neatly gelled back from his forehead. He wore a dark dinner jacket and black ripped jeans. I leaned closer to him, yearning for his warmth. His body heat engulfed me as I studied the beautiful angles and planes of his face as he laughed at one of  Bruces's outrageous comments, long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks.

"Greg is driving me crazy," Addison whispered in my ears.

Dragging my gaze away from Trystan's sexy laugh, I looked at my best friend. "Crazy how?"

"He asked if he could tie me up during sex."

I almost spit out my nojito as my eyes widened. "Well damn. What did you tell him?"

"I said yes, but only if he promises to make it hurt." She flung her locs behind her shoulders and laughed. "I'm a freak. I always say yes."

Trystan caught the tail end of our conversation and butted in, his green eyes shining with curiosity. "Yes to what? Did Greg propose?"

Greg cleared his throat from his seat next to Addison in the C-shaped booth we sat in. "I haven't." He smiled and then looked at his woman, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. "Not yet anyway."

Marisol 'aawwwed' and leaned her head on Bruce's shoulder and stared up at him in admiration. "They're adorable. Look at Greg's cheeks. He's dying."

"So what did you say yes to, Addison?" Trystan pushed, his deep voice mesmerizing me as he kept on lazily stroking my thigh under the table.

"Um." She cleared her throat, watching Greg with dancing brown eyes. "Bondage."

"That's fucking hot," Bruce said.

"You're into bondage?" Marisol asked, leaning back to get a better look at him.

"I'm not opposed to tying a woman up and having my way with her. Once clear boundaries are set and it's consensual, why the fuck not? And if your woman likes to run from the dick, you can put a stop to that shit by tying her feet and her hands. A win win situation."

"That sounds like torture," I said, placing my hand on my round belly protectively. I just couldn't imagine being tied up in anyway when my belly was the size of a small elephant and I constantly needed to pee like every two seconds.


Trystan bent his head, soft lips grazing my earlobe. "Hypocrite, much? You let me tie you up during our honeymoon."

"That was then, honey, and you only used a silk tie to tie my hands. I also wasn't pregnant with a stupid ass weak bladder. And don't mention the backache." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

Green eyes fastened on me, scanning my face, long eyelashes sweeping down and back up. "Is that a complain, Mrs. Debney?"

"Please, you wish. I negotiated for this baby with blood, tears and sweat. She could break my back like that vampire baby did to Bella, but I'm going to paste a smile on my face and take it. And this isn't nearly as bad as that. So no, Mr. Debney, I'm not complaining." I took a sip of my drink. "'Just wish you could experience having a belly so big, you can barely touch your vagina, let alone see it."

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