33 - Veterans Ball

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^ Trystan ^

I stepped out of the car, handing the key over to the valet for parking. Debra clung on my arm, a small nervous smile stretching her lips when she saw the crowd of people waiting in front of the mansion where the Veterans Ball was being kept.

She looked absolutely stunning tonight, her brown skin glowing, her full lips painted red like that of a luscious apple. Her hair was styled in a fancy updo she'd seen on Pinterest. It showed off her elegant neck and the diamond necklace I had gotten her.

Placing my hand on the small of her back, I led her up the red carpet stairs and into the mansion. Security was tight, but I was looking for one man in particular.


He was part of the security detail tonight, a side job. He and I needed to have a heart to heart. The kind that involved my fist meeting his face and knocking out two or three teeth in the process. Deep down I knew that if he got me angry enough that I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. Hence why I had Bruce as backup for when shit hit the fan. I'd gotten him a spot in the security crew as my personal bodyguard. Bruce was a true killer and he knew how to dispose of a body properly, making it disappear for good.

Debra caressed my arm, briefly leaning her head on my shoulder as we walked, distracting me from my dark thoughts. In that moment I realized how bad I wanted to be home with her instead of here, the crowd of people making me uneasy. We would have been on round three by now, her tight pussy wrapped around my dick, pulling me deeper inside her like a vacuum cleaner.

I loved everything about her. From her delicate hands to the rounded curve of her ass, and her soft husky moans when she was approaching her climax. I absolutely loved it when she bucked and kicked beneath me, begging me to fuck her, my name working as a catalyst on her kissable lips. A total turnabout from the classy woman trailing up the mansion steps on my arm, looking like she was the queen of some exotic foreign country.

A giant crystal chandelier illuminated the main hall with a soft glow of yellow light. Lit torches and candles danced with the light breeze passing through, their flickering fires adding warmth and extra light. The theme was purple, ribbons and other decorations bringing in that regal flair.

"I feel like I just walked into a fairytale," Debra whispered.

I acknowledged her comment, but didn't say anything. I was wound tight, my muscles tense as I glanced around the room for details and layout plans that didn't exactly match the floor plan that I'd study before coming here.

I spotted my mother, my father, Anthony and his mistress, near the live band toward the end of the room. As I walked in their direction, Debra in front of me, I slipped a transparent earpiece in my left ear so I could better communicate with Bruce.

My father and Anthony noticed the earpiece at once, but didn't say anything. Debra hugged my mother before turning so I could introduce her to my father and Anthony. I kissed my mother on her weathered cheeks and then kissed the back of the hand of Anthony's date, whose name turned out to be Annabella. She was blond with icy blue eyes and Kerry Washington full lips.

She fluttered her lashes at me, blushing at the attention. I spoke to her briefly as not to appear disrespectful, but honestly I didn't really care. I hated cheaters, and that included Anthony. Ever since he'd cheated on Marisol, I just stopped fucking around with him like I used to.

Anthony smiled charmingly at Debra, his eyes mesmerized. "Wow," he breathed, "I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Debra looked at me before answering with a soft thank you. Annabella cleared her throat and sent daggers with her eyes toward Debra, who had long forgotten Anthony's compliment and was now talking to my parents about her art.

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