17 - Oh Canada

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~ Trystan ~

Canada was charming, but I was only interested in a cold shower followed by an ice cold beer. The latter wasn't an option, so I'd have to hit the hotel gym instead. The plane had landed an hour later than intended, and Debra was tired. So was I, but I couldn't rest until I eased the tension I felt coiling inside of me like a snake ready to cut off an enemy's air supply.

Talking about my sister had a way of putting me on edge. The reason why I never talked about her. Debra hadn't asked about her specifically, but just thinking about how she died was enough to turn me into a fucking mess. Angry at myself for arguing with her and then not having the balls to run after her.

I handed my passport to the receptionist at the front desk who then went on to clack her fancy fingernails over the keyboard. I looked down at Debra, standing next to me, her blue carry-on hanging over her shoulder. She gave me a tired smile and my heart turned over in my chest as I wanted to pull her close so I could feel her body next to mine. Her skin looked so soft, like golden butter, and her plumb lips drew me in like Spanish cherries in the summer time.

And I was hungry. The food on the plane had been nothing but a tease.

The clacking of fingernails on the keyboard stopped and the receptionist looked up with a smile. "Room 341, third floor. Breakfast is at seven tomorrow morning. Dinner starts in about half an hour. You can also have it taken up to your room if you'd like."

"That's great," I said, impatient to get to our rooms. Debra looked like she might fall asleep standing right where she was.

"Here is your key pass, Mr. Debney." The receptionist, who's name tag said Amanda, handed the shiny key pass over the counter. "If you have any questions, you can call us from your room."

Amanda was swift and suave, and impeccably dressed, but she had gotten the booking wrong. "I called this morning to change my booking," I said. "I asked the guy on the phone to book me two adjoining rooms."

"I'm sorry, let me check that again." And her fingers went flying over the keyboard once more. "There's nothing here. Are you sure you called in? Who did you speak to?"

"His name was Brandon?"

"Right. Brandon probably forgot to call you back. We're fully booked at the moment. There's a festival in town this weekend and people come in from all over. I'm sorry, Mr. Debney, there's nothing I can do." Amanda looked sorry, but not sorry at the same time.

I nodded and turned to Debra, who up now hadn't said much. "Is that okay with you?"

"With us sleeping in the same bed?" She asked, brown eyes large, her voice husky.

"Yes, I mean, no. I'll take the couch."

"It's fine by me. I just want to take a shower. It's been a long day." 

"Great, so 341 it is," Amanda said.

"So it seems," I muttered, before ushering Debra toward the elevators and taking the carry-on away from her after she'd repeatedly told me she could carry it. .

The room was smaller than I'd envisioned, but then again, I was a big man and I took up a lot of space. At least it was clean and with acceptable decor, something I'm sure Debra would appreciate. A small, cream colored two persons couch sat facing the door, large curtained windows behind it, and between the couch and the massive bed in the center of the room was a tiny coffee table.  The bathroom was to the left and at the entrance stood a desk with a lamp on it. 

I hoped Debra liked it, because to me it didn't really matter. I've slept under the stars, in tents, and in broken down stakeout houses without running water or electricity. I was just passing through, on a mission. Get in, get out. The only thing I cared about was the gym and getting that little boy back home safe, but I did want Debra to feel comfortable.

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