34 - Bloody Curtains

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= Trystan =

Gonzales pushed the woman up against the wall, pressing her cheek to the rough surface, and I saw red. My blood boiled, burning under my skin like acid. A switch went off in my head, blurring the edges of my vision as I focused on Gonzales as if as I was looking through a tunnel.

I crossed the carpet, my shoes barely making a sound, and once I was close enough, I punched the fucker to the side of his head. My fist missed his temple and crashed against the outer shell of his ear before colliding with bone as hard as concrete.

Startled, Gonzales stumbled backward and knocked over a lamp with his flailing arm. The bulb shattered, the sound of breaking glass fibers loud in the well insulated room.

Gonzales regained his footing and immediately clutched his ear. His hand came back down smeared with blood.

"What the hell?" he sputtered.

"Are you deaf?" I snapped. "I heard that woman tell you no, so why do you have your wrinkly sausage-looking dick hanging out of your pants?"

He shoved his limp dick back in his pants and pulled up his zipper. "I know you." He eyed me shrewdly. "You're that marine fucking that whore Debra."

Upon hearing the words, I went ballistic, punching him several times in his face, my right hook connecting with his lower jaw before flying up and breaking his nose. I heard the crunch of bone and cartilage breaking under pressure as pain shot up my arm like a rogue streak of lightning, but I didn't stop.

"What the fuck did you say about my woman?" I punched him in his throat and a strangled sound escaped his now bloody lips. "Huh? I can't hear you, bitch."

Gonzales staggered, falling backward into the curtain, and I followed him, pummeling his face with everything I had in me. Rage roared its ugly head and I karate-chopped him in his guts. Once. Twice, in the same spot. He grunted in pain and slid to the floor like a rag doll.

What the fuck? Was that it? The lame ass coward didn't even have the decency to fight back. I wanted the challenge and had been looking forward to tonight like a virgin about to get laid for the first time. Imagine my disappointment.

The next punch I threw landed square on his eye and I swear I heard something break. I must have caved in the supporting bone structure below his eye because he was watching me really weirdly right now. One eye large and the other half shut and sunken into his face.

"Oh my God," the brunette said through the haze fogging my vision and then I heard the click clack of her heels as she ran out of the room.

Gonzales laughed and then tried to talk through his busted lips which were now the size of a basketball ball. "Do you know who I am? I can have you thrown in jail for this."

"I don't give a fuck if you're Jesus Christ almighty himself, asshole. You ever touch my woman again, or any woman without her consent, I will have you killed," I said.

"Ahh," he snorted, wiping blood from his nose. "That bitch Debra told you how I fucked her like a slut outside under the moonlight sky with crocodiles swimming nearby, didn't she? She has a delicious tight cunt, that one, and she loves a big cock. She was screaming my name like a hyena gone wild."

I charged toward him, determined to kill him. I was going to permanently wipe that cocky grin off his face.

"Whoa, easy, boy." He pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

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