15 - His Protection

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Trystan's mouth was like a magnet, compelling me to him, wrecking havoc with my senses. I had invited a sexy, virile man into my apartment and yet I was in shock when he lifted me like I weighed nothing and now my legs were wrapped around his wide frame, my body grinding against his arousal.

I had forgotten the way my body could sizzle to life, forgotten that pleasure like this still existed. It was the gentle way he gripped me and held himself steady while his hungry mouth teased and licked, giving me no choice but to accept him. I kissed him back with everything in me. Wet, starving kisses.

"Trystan," I murmured, my lips gliding softly along his mouth. "Your leg."

The northern lights stared back at me, his eyes a swirling mixture of greens. "You worry too much. My leg is fine. I'm going to kiss you again, Debra, and when I do, I want you to disregard all irrelevant thoughts. Feel me, feel us. I need you to burn for me. Only me."

The low timbre of his voice mesmerized me. I felt the notes all the way to my bone. I wasn't surprised that it had taken a man like Trystan to make me feel again. And feeling I was. My heart pounded fast in excitement, pumping blood to my sexually starved cells, awakening sensations I'd long thought dead. I yearned, my body coiling with need. A powerful need that scared the shit out of me.

He took my mouth for a second time. Passionately. He continued to kiss me, his tongue driving me nearly insane as he lowered me to the arm of the couch. My legs remained wrapped around him, hugging him to me desperately. I didn't want him to stop.

His large hand settled over my hip and then slowly worked its up, eager fingers crawling under my night shirt to cup the soft weight of my breast in his palm. His touch went from gentle to firm, molding the shape of my breast. My nipples puckered, going hard beneath his very skilled hand. The swipe of his thumb across my nipple caused me to moan and writhe as I tried to douse the slow burning fire between my legs.

I couldn't breathe. He was devouring my mouth with savage kisses and I couldn't focus on what his hands or his mouth were doing to me. I pulled away to force air into my lungs and Trystan took that opportunity to rid me of my top, exposing my full breasts to his approval.

He inhaled sharply, sharp eyes locked on my breasts before kissing my mouth again. He was rough, aggressive even. Biting and pulling with his teeth. He kissed me with confidence, demanding everything I had. I melted into him, circling my arms around his bent neck as I pushed my breast into his shirt.

"Breathe, baby," he said. "This is not a sprint."

He kissed my earlobe, running his tongue down the side of my neck. His hands were back at my breasts again, tugging and rolling. His presence was overwhelming. There was no escaping him. It's not like I wanted to anyway. He surrounded me with his scent, his tongue seduced me and his hand on my skin was like a brand. Everywhere he touched, he left his mark of possession.

I couldn't believe I was half naked in my apartment with a man who wasn't Drake. For a split second my heart skipped a beat and I wanted to pull away.

"You will not think about him. Only me, Debra."

Before I could deny his words, Trystan took my nipple into his hot mouth and all my doubts flew out the window. My head fell back, eyes closed, taking it all in.

"That's better," he whispered, shifting his attention to my other breast.

I looked down and saw my nipple and areola disappear into his eager mouth. I cried out and pulled him closer, my fingers flowing through his dark hair. The sight of him lapping at my sensitive nipple was such a turn on. His mouth was like a furnace, leaving a trail of fire every where he licked. I throbbed, my body overheating with need, especially down there in my feminine core, the one that had stopped working. I let out a loud mewling sound when he scraped my delicate flesh with his teeth, his tongue rasping over my nipple afterward.

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