seperated by house

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The huge oak doors opened and the student s where amazed of their view, the main hall was huge with a big stain glassed windows that was hard to make what it was it sat behind the professors at the front of the hall, statues of golems stuck out of the walls in between each of the bowls of fire, suits of armour where spread out along the cold grey walls that was taller than it was wide. Long candles filled the night sky that was covering the ceiling, giving off a low glow. Dark clouds could be seen behind the star light candles. Draco moved closer to Hermionie, when he was next to her he grabbed her hand
" what a beautiful night." Hermionie says as they walk up the halls rows. Everyone is watching them, some smiling some just glaring deeply without a single blink.
"Not as beautiful as you." He said looking away as she looked at him the same little grin as earlier they where talking.
Hermionie knew he was still a bit shy so she changed the subject.
"Do you tink we'll be in the same house?" She tried to be as cheerful as possible.
"Maybe, I hope we are."
" Oh my god." Hermionie said in a surprised manor
"What, what is it?" Draco replies a bit surprised him self to be honest.
"You don't even know my name!" She reminds him
"Oh my god yeh I don't haha! I didn't even relise to be true."
"Well them I m Hermionie Granger nice to meet you." haha she giggled.

What Hermionie didn't notice, even though she was a very bright girl, Ron and harry was standing right behind her feeling quite angry, they had already decided that they didn't like malfoy much they knew that they where  otherwise thinking the same thing, the blondy was stealing their friend. So they where sure to tell there there curly haired friend what they thought, even they hadn't known her for very long they  had gotten to know each other rather well.

Finally they get to the end of the hall some people still giggling but malfoy had gone back to his original gang. But the new mate kept looking at each other both smiling endlessly from cheek bone to cheek bone.

All of the new students crowd round a high stool that has an old worn hat place carefully on top of it, one by one each of the students gets pick then suddenly
"Draco Malfoy!" Professor magonigal says rather loudly but not quite a shout, the professor looks like a kind and sweet woman but Hermionies got a feeling she's not,
When draco sits in the chair, before the hat even touches his head the hat suddenly screams out
"SLYTHERIN!" The voice echos slowly around the hall. A wide and pleased smile stretches across draco face as he hops off the stall, he casually walks over to meet all his mates that where with him earlier at one of the four long tables in the room.
"Hermionie Granger?" Says the professor a few minutes later, Hermionie feels her haery miss a beat she feels like she could be sick, when she was younger she would never talk in front of an audience. But now she has to.
The hat feels light and the stall cold considering the amount of people who have already sat on it before her.
" Griffindor." Shouted the hat, Hermionies eyes widened.....

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