Court yard

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"KIDS!" Remis shouts surround and worried. "Listen I... I ... I can explain." He says catching breath his pulse was raising to his head and sweat was rolling down his like it was raining.
"You don't have to."Draco says standing up and walking down to him in the ditch remus put his hand on his shoulder and draco put his hand on his wrist in reassurance. "We've seen enough today."
"But..." The worried professor says.
"It's true remus, you should go down to the castle. I think they know." Hermionie says standing up and looking at remus in the eye. He takes hermionoe advice and walks up the ditch, draco walks behind him his cold hands low in his pockets. Hermionoe looks at draco and he just shrugs back.

The three of them are sitting in red velvet chairs in dumbledors office, draco and hermione hand in hand watching the old man pace up and down the length of his desk.
"Remus, can you tell me how you got into the hogwarts grounds." The headmaster leant against his desk making it creak in its own worn oldness.
"Like I said before Albus, it was a full moon and you know what happens." He looks at the students, he was worried of what the saw of him in that form.
'And draco tell me again why you did." He sits down in his high gold painted chair his hand on his chin looking draco in the eye.
'We saw remus, and when he woke up he went for us so I put a transformation spell on him, then waited till he woke up." He looked at Hermionie and smiled, he squeezed her hand.
"Professor, how could remus lupin get past the dementors?" Hermionie asked leaning forward.
"Well miss Granger it's funny you ask that, the way remus would have got past I'd there's no dementors in the deep forest. It's to dangerous even for them." Dumbledor says the turns to remus.
"Why did you leave remus, what made you leave." Dumbledor says leaving remus with a look for the students.
He leans in closer to the desk in front of them.
"The warewolf inside me you know I can't control it." Remus sort of loud whispers, both draco and Hermionie listen to him. Snape bursts in to the room his robe flying his hair in perfect formation.
"Sir how could you let this man into your castle grounds again." Snape walks up to the desk and looks the headmaster right in to hos smoky blue eyes.
"How couldn't I." The wise man says to him with no fear. "And I would prefer if you knocked severous." The professor says as Snape turns around. He looks draco straight in the eye and draco gives him a look that nobody else saw apart from Snape himself.
"Now then draco, Hermionie I would like to be left alone with remus so that I can have a proper man to man talk with him." The students nod and smile at the professor and head out of the door without another word said.

"Hermionie!" Chasper shouts from across the yard. Hermionoe and draco see her hand signaling them over a red ice pop sticking out of her mouth. As they walk closer draco sees ron sitting with them and anger rises in him.
" Hey chasp..." Hermionie starts saying then sees Ron sitting in the tree with Andy. Chasper looks in the tree then at Hermionies gave a she bites her lip.
"Hey Hermionie." Rons says sarcasticly happy. "What a nice surprise." He jumps down from the tree and smiled at draco, but draco just gives him a dirty look to stay away.
"Hermionie can I have a word?" Ron says looking at draco and not her. The two walk round the other side of the tree, Hermionie looks like she would rather be anywhere but there.
"What do you want?" Hermionie says looking annoyed and bored already. But what neither of them knew was that Andy was ease dropping from up the tree.
"Go to the ball with me." He says sounding like he was forcing her to.
"What the hell no!" She says shocked.

"Draco, come here." Draco walks over to the tree. "Weasley just asked Mionie to the ball." He says this as the two walk around the tree again, Hermionie sits down and tells Chasper who almost chokes on her popsicle and Ron just walks away. Chasper sees draco breathing louder.
"Draco calm down." She stands up giving her popsicle to Hermionie who starts suckling it. Chasper puts her hands on dracos shoulders.
"Calm down mate." Andy says in his friends ear
"She said no straight away?" He was trying to reassure draco.
"Dra." Hermionie sees what's going on and walks up to draco "I would never go with him!"
Draco pushes from from all of there grip and walks towards Ron.

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